Day Living Life Fund
I am opening this page on the behalf of my father, Peter Day. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and masses on his liver and kidneys. He finds out next week what the path of treatment. We have had several deaths in our family in the past year and his older brother Larry just passed 6 months ago from the same thing. We are all still in the grieving stages and now it is taking my father.
My Dad is one of the greatest men I know. From a kid he was always there, volunteering at school, do anything he could from our cub scout to boy scout leader, soccer coach, hell taught Spanish kids how to speak English and does not know a lick of Spanish. He has touched so many peoples lives by giving and giving and never expecting anything in return. He volunteers at Church every weekend and feeds the homeless every weekend.
People that know my father will tell you he is one of the best men that they know. He will give you the shirt off of his back.
We have a huge family that is full of love and support. That is one thing I cherish is our family, we used to get together for every holiday and family reunions. He would always be the joker, hid a speaker in the porta potty at a family reunion and scare the hell out of people hahaha. I love you Dad so much and I'm so sorry you are going through this. You know we are all here for you, anything you need.
Thank you to all that read this.
Chris Day