Day of Absence 9/13-15, 9/20-22
Tax deductible
Thanks for the new donations!! Helped us through. We have weathered the storm, but the ship is still in rough waters. We're heading into our last week of performances and audiences have loved it. We just need more folks to come out to see us. You can help. If you've contributed, tell people. If you've seen it, tell others. Word of mouth will get us audience, i'm sure of it.
Check out STEPHANIE HECK's interview with lary moten from yesterday on G-TOWN RADIO. Heres the link:
To date, i have not begged. Don’t like the word or the connotations. Our situation has now changed. We must raise $12K in the next 4 days or this show will not go on. This show is going to be the best Fringe has to offer. All the elements are primed. The ONLY thing holding us back is cash.
If i had it, i would use it. i already have but i’m tapped out.
Some have said one shouldn’t use their own money for a venture like this. i say to them if you don’t believe enough in your dream to contribute to its fruition how do you expect strangers to help?
Well... i’ve done my part. It’s now your turn. i know there are folks out there who share our belief in this project, who know the difference it can make in one’s outlook. And those who just want a good hearty laugh. Step up now. Contribute. Don’t allow all of this wonderful dedicated effort lay fallow. Help us. Now.
Check this out: DoA ON THE AIR!
Stephanie Renee, no stranger “to the boards” herself, devoted 15 min. of her radio program, THE SOURCE, to helping raise funds for FQP’s DAY OF ABSENCE. Listen in on this link:
It's crunch time people. DoA MUST raise $14K in the next few days for Actors Equity and space rental. We really need your help. Momentum is building. Rehearsals are phenomenal. The entire DoA team is stoked. But we need the funds to move forward. Your hearts and spirits are already with us. We feel it as you folks inquire about the show. Do the same with your wallets. Please. Thanks.
267.456.1390 email: [email redacted]
lary moten here, a long time member of the Philadelphia theatre community. My new company, Flying Quilt Productions (FQP) has joined with the highly respected IronAge Theatre to present Day of Absence during the 2018 Philly Fringe Festival. This is FQP's first venture so productions like mine are dubbed "Fringe Virgins" and the Fringe staff has been very helpful. Our production will be historic and unique in a number of ways making DoA a special experience.
First performed in November, 1965, the one-act play takes place in a small Southern town where the white inhabitants awake to find all the black residents...gone. Who will care for the children? Who will do the menial work? And who really wears the mask? Performed by 19 of Philly's best African American actors in intricate white masks, the play comically and poignantly follows the consequences to the town coping with its missing citizens. In this time of immigration controversy and the current political and social climate, Day of Absence is still relevant 53 years later.
As an arts professional deeply committed to presenting provocative works to under-served communities , i have set aside 2 performances that are not an official part of the Fringe run. These are FREE performances for student, senior and people with disabilities groups and will include a 1/2 hour talk-back with the production team and actors.
We have secured an excellent, supportive and like-minded venue - Painted Bride Art Center in Old City Philadelphia.
All of this costs of course, so here's where you come in. FQP is determined to present a first-class experience and that takes serious funding. Some of the actors are Equity and MUST be paid a minimum salary plus other fees. Painted Bride rental - with a max capacity of 250 seats - is expensive. We need to create personalized masks for each actor and since some are playing multiple roles we will have to construct duplicates. One of the characters - ANNOUNCER (in modern parlance would be called ANCHORMAN) will be projected onto the set as if appearing on an enlarged TV screen. Additionally, since the actors will be masked throughout, their costumes and props must convey what their covered nimble faces cannot. The production itself with staff and a top notch director like IronAge's John Doyle, the free performances (we plan to help with transportation) all have expenses attached.
None of these production costs are news to any of you arts professionals. But "civilians" may be unaware so i am "schoolin' " you. Live theatre competes with your living rooms' convenient and often highly sophisticated entertainment centers. So we need to provide an experience you just won't get at home. We need funds now through the run of the show (Sept. 13-15, 20-22, free shows on 12 & 19) but construction, venue an rehearsal down-payments, insurance, etc., MUST be handled during the first week of August. GIVE GENEROUSLY TODAY. We plan some unique incentives along the way at all levels of contribution. And they will be tax-deductible through FQP's relationship with non-profit Iron Age Theatre. Come back soon and check them out. Join us, won't you?
DoA Cast 1st meeting, Community Education Center, West Philly. Pic taken by Sydney DeShields, who, as payment for her services, drank all the root beer!! From left to right: Larry T. Woody, Sara Savitz (Marketing Co-ordinator), Walter DeShields, Chyna Michele, Steve Wright, Eric Carter, Carlo Campbell, Cathy Simpson, Olivia Wayne, Renee Lucas Wayne, Terri Shockley (Audience Co-ordinator), Jack Drummond, director John Doyle and "takin' a knee" lary moten.
NOT PICTURED: Andre N. Jones, Anthony Cooper, Brian Anthony Wilson, Joilet F. Harris, Kim Brown, Catherine Lynn, Nastassja Baset, Rich Bradford, Tiffany Bacon
$5-$10 thank you email
$15-25 thank you email, web mention on DOA Facebook Page
$50 thank you email, web mention, single ticket,
$100 thank you email, web mention, 2 tickets, DoA Button
$200 thank you email, web & program mention, 2 tickets, DoA Button,
signed poster
$500 thank you email, web & program mention, 4 tickets, DoA Button,
signed script
$1,000 thank you email, web & program mention, tickets for the run*, DoA
Button, signed poster and character mask-limited availability
(but i'm keepin' mine, dammit)
$2,000+ thank you email, web & program mention, tickets for the run**, DoA
Button, signed script, character mask-limited availability...
and i'll have your baby!
* one seat for any and all performances
** two seats for any and all performances
Ok. Here's the thing - there are some of you donors out there who may not be able to attend a performance so what are you gonna do with your ticket(s)? Donate 'em, designate 'em, give 'em to a student, an elder, someone with a disability, an artist (wait. isn't that redundant?) or maybe a random walk-up stranger. Whomever you please. That's flowing into the central theme to this production. Just tell us how you want it handled, and we'll, uh, handle it.
Check out STEPHANIE HECK's interview with lary moten from yesterday on G-TOWN RADIO. Heres the link:
To date, i have not begged. Don’t like the word or the connotations. Our situation has now changed. We must raise $12K in the next 4 days or this show will not go on. This show is going to be the best Fringe has to offer. All the elements are primed. The ONLY thing holding us back is cash.
If i had it, i would use it. i already have but i’m tapped out.
Some have said one shouldn’t use their own money for a venture like this. i say to them if you don’t believe enough in your dream to contribute to its fruition how do you expect strangers to help?
Well... i’ve done my part. It’s now your turn. i know there are folks out there who share our belief in this project, who know the difference it can make in one’s outlook. And those who just want a good hearty laugh. Step up now. Contribute. Don’t allow all of this wonderful dedicated effort lay fallow. Help us. Now.
Check this out: DoA ON THE AIR!
Stephanie Renee, no stranger “to the boards” herself, devoted 15 min. of her radio program, THE SOURCE, to helping raise funds for FQP’s DAY OF ABSENCE. Listen in on this link:
It's crunch time people. DoA MUST raise $14K in the next few days for Actors Equity and space rental. We really need your help. Momentum is building. Rehearsals are phenomenal. The entire DoA team is stoked. But we need the funds to move forward. Your hearts and spirits are already with us. We feel it as you folks inquire about the show. Do the same with your wallets. Please. Thanks.
267.456.1390 email: [email redacted]
lary moten here, a long time member of the Philadelphia theatre community. My new company, Flying Quilt Productions (FQP) has joined with the highly respected IronAge Theatre to present Day of Absence during the 2018 Philly Fringe Festival. This is FQP's first venture so productions like mine are dubbed "Fringe Virgins" and the Fringe staff has been very helpful. Our production will be historic and unique in a number of ways making DoA a special experience.
First performed in November, 1965, the one-act play takes place in a small Southern town where the white inhabitants awake to find all the black residents...gone. Who will care for the children? Who will do the menial work? And who really wears the mask? Performed by 19 of Philly's best African American actors in intricate white masks, the play comically and poignantly follows the consequences to the town coping with its missing citizens. In this time of immigration controversy and the current political and social climate, Day of Absence is still relevant 53 years later.
As an arts professional deeply committed to presenting provocative works to under-served communities , i have set aside 2 performances that are not an official part of the Fringe run. These are FREE performances for student, senior and people with disabilities groups and will include a 1/2 hour talk-back with the production team and actors.
We have secured an excellent, supportive and like-minded venue - Painted Bride Art Center in Old City Philadelphia.
All of this costs of course, so here's where you come in. FQP is determined to present a first-class experience and that takes serious funding. Some of the actors are Equity and MUST be paid a minimum salary plus other fees. Painted Bride rental - with a max capacity of 250 seats - is expensive. We need to create personalized masks for each actor and since some are playing multiple roles we will have to construct duplicates. One of the characters - ANNOUNCER (in modern parlance would be called ANCHORMAN) will be projected onto the set as if appearing on an enlarged TV screen. Additionally, since the actors will be masked throughout, their costumes and props must convey what their covered nimble faces cannot. The production itself with staff and a top notch director like IronAge's John Doyle, the free performances (we plan to help with transportation) all have expenses attached.
None of these production costs are news to any of you arts professionals. But "civilians" may be unaware so i am "schoolin' " you. Live theatre competes with your living rooms' convenient and often highly sophisticated entertainment centers. So we need to provide an experience you just won't get at home. We need funds now through the run of the show (Sept. 13-15, 20-22, free shows on 12 & 19) but construction, venue an rehearsal down-payments, insurance, etc., MUST be handled during the first week of August. GIVE GENEROUSLY TODAY. We plan some unique incentives along the way at all levels of contribution. And they will be tax-deductible through FQP's relationship with non-profit Iron Age Theatre. Come back soon and check them out. Join us, won't you?

NOT PICTURED: Andre N. Jones, Anthony Cooper, Brian Anthony Wilson, Joilet F. Harris, Kim Brown, Catherine Lynn, Nastassja Baset, Rich Bradford, Tiffany Bacon
$5-$10 thank you email
$15-25 thank you email, web mention on DOA Facebook Page
$50 thank you email, web mention, single ticket,
$100 thank you email, web mention, 2 tickets, DoA Button
$200 thank you email, web & program mention, 2 tickets, DoA Button,
signed poster
$500 thank you email, web & program mention, 4 tickets, DoA Button,
signed script
$1,000 thank you email, web & program mention, tickets for the run*, DoA
Button, signed poster and character mask-limited availability
(but i'm keepin' mine, dammit)
$2,000+ thank you email, web & program mention, tickets for the run**, DoA
Button, signed script, character mask-limited availability...
and i'll have your baby!
* one seat for any and all performances
** two seats for any and all performances
Ok. Here's the thing - there are some of you donors out there who may not be able to attend a performance so what are you gonna do with your ticket(s)? Donate 'em, designate 'em, give 'em to a student, an elder, someone with a disability, an artist (wait. isn't that redundant?) or maybe a random walk-up stranger. Whomever you please. That's flowing into the central theme to this production. Just tell us how you want it handled, and we'll, uh, handle it.
Lary Moten
Philadelphia, PA
Iron Age Theatre