DC Restaurant Group
We never thought it would come to this, but we need your help! These are unprecedented times for all of us but they are especially hard for restaurants and our employees. We support the decision to force restaurants and bars to close and we need to combat the spread of this virus as quickly and efficiently as possible. But without customers, without sales, we are unable to pay our staff, rent, utilities, health insurance and vendors. Our main priority is protecting our employees, some of whom who have worked for us 30+ years.
To share an example of an immediate, important challenge we face: we offer health insurance benefits for a large group of our staff. Our monthly payment is $15,000 and is due at the end of the month. When we asked our carrier for relief on the due date, we were told that if we didn't pay by the deadline, the coverage would be canceled. We understand that all companies are facing challenges, but to refuse to work with a client and for all things - Health Care - during these unprecedented times is hard to comprehend.
Our government is saying that relief is coming, but if things don't move quickly, the impact on restaurants during this closure will be devastating.
As always, we appreciate your support and we can not wait to serve you at one of our establishments in the near future.