Help bring Debra back home!!
Hey all, as most of you know, my sister Debra got into a horrible accident on Nov. 20th of 2015. She ran into a car head on around 6:30 am 2 blocks from her apt. she was not wearing her seat belt and the car flipped and she was ejected from the car and landed on her head and suffered serious body and head injuries. Shattered scapula, which punctured her lungs, 3 broken ribs, which also punctured her lungs. 3 spinal fractures, 3 skull fractures and a shattered pelvis. Unfortunately, her head trauma does not seem to be improving at all. She is not communicating and moans and seems so upset and it constantly makes me sick thinking of her laying there, thrashing around alone. She is stuck out in LA all by herself, with no family to check on her periodically and make sure she is getting the proper care and not falling through the cracks. She just turned 42 on April 15th and she has a daughter that just turned 8, who luckily wasn't in the car with her when the accident happened. but she misses her mom very much.
What I'm asking you folks for is to help us move her closer to me and my parents, so I can check on her all the time and make sure she's doing ok, no bed sores, getting physical therapy and what not. Unfortunately, Medicaid, SS or even insurance does NOT cover transport of someone in her condition so far away. They are private companies, and apparently only in it for the money. We got a ballpark on how much it would cost out of pocket to move her and we are looking at a MINIMUM of 40k.
Any amount you can put in would help greatly and my family and I would really appreciate it, help me bring my beautiful little sister back to me so I can take care of her. She would NEVER want to be like this
Thank you.