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Help (dr ahmed) family leaving out of G.a.z.a

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Hello, my name is Dr. Ahmed. I am a dentist from Gaza. My family is a simple family like many Gazan families. My family is now in the northern Gaza Strip, where there is no food, no water, and no shelter. My father was a sick man and did not have the strength to continue these tragedies. He died two days ago. Our house was demolished because The war. My mother and my brother are in the northern Gaza Strip and I want to get them out of this place. I am required to save a certain amount to pay it to the authorities so that I can evacuate my mother and my little brother. I live in Egypt and I want to take my brother and my mother with me and keep them away from this place full of blood and destruction.
I am writing these words and I did not imagine that I would write them one day or ask anyone for help one

My brother name  
* mohamed wajdy khalil
my mother name
* faten hamed abusulttan
my name 
* ahmed wajdy khalil
We are from gaza strip .
A specific amount is required, but I do not have the capacity for all the money, and I am requesting this assistance to supplement the amount so that I can save my family from this devastation.

My family has been displaced more than 4 times
There is no room for displacement for the fifth time
I ask you this request while I am completely full of despair and frustration, but perhaps a simple hope will bring back something from our simple life and breathe some life into us. I did not think of this method of help except after the death of my beloved father, because I believe that my brothers and mother need me to be with them and save them from this destruction.

This money will be paid to the authorities at the border to allow them to leave this place
Each person is required to pay $7,000 to leave this place.
The are is no house for my familly and no shelter no life.
The proceeds of this fundraiser will go to an account managed by me. Your generous contributions will go towards the following: 190000 (Nok) = 19000 $ for the Rafah Crossing permit. $7000 x 2 people: my family $500for the fees of travel and transportation from Gaza to Egypt. $3500 will go towards shelter/house rental in Egypt, resettling, buying clothes, urgent healthcare, and other humanitarian needs , Approximately $1000 to cover GoFundMe transaction fees (%2.9+$0.30 per transaction)



  • Mary Ellen Wood
    • kr10
    • 27 d
  • Clara Fornara
    • kr235
    • 30 d
  • Clara Fornara
    • kr20
    • 30 d
  • Sara Brusciano
    • kr295
    • 1 mo
  • Anonym
    • kr400
    • 1 mo

Spendenteam (2)

Dr Ahmed Wajdy
Sally Helail
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