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Funeral expenses

Spende geschützt
Saint: a person who is regarded as a good and holy person. A person who is very good, helpful and patience! George Fryer is a saint in so many peoples eyes.
Our Dad has been our moms sole caretaker for the past 12 years. In 2004, Mom suffered an subarachnoid hemorrhage that resulted in several mini strokes that left her completely paralyzed on her left side, and unable to care for herself. Since that time our dad devoted his life and time to her care. Every Sunday he would take her to mass even though he is not Catholic. He never once complained of taking care of her as being a burden. He looked at everyday she had as a gift. Due to her condition, finances were spent on numerous dr bills etc. So on the morning of May 22, when our mom passed away, none of us were financially prepared for what was to come. She had been doing so well. We would love to help my dad in any way possible so he does not have the burden of paying all the funeral debt. 
With our deepest gratitude,
Sarah and Rebecca


  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 8 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Sarah Fryer Bai
Huntersville, NC
George Fryer

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