SLAPP Suit Defend our 1st Amendment
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Our First Amendment is under assault by political correct warriors embedded in the media, even in West Michigan. When YOU stand to protest the false narrative promoted by the Media you become a target of Character Assassination. Facts are tossed aside. Political Correct censors malign your good name.
Here in Ottawa County Michigan, our good Friend Jim Chiodo finds himself under a directed litigative assault by a Limited public figure. This Limited public figure used the Progressive political tool, known as a SLAPP action (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) to silence Jim. SLAPP suits are initiated to break the spirit, and financial resources of the target. Jim now confronts action brought by an editor of a local newspaper to silence him under the color of state law.
The editor found a unique way to bring SLAPP Litigation via a non-domestic personal protection order (PPO), citing a concern for her personal safety despite not being in contact with Jim since a meeting in 2014.
What did Jim do? He stood upon his bully pulpit and expressed free speech by associating with others who share his passion for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
What else? Jim organized a gathering of Michiganders in Support of President Donald J. Trump in a park in Holland. They peacefully marched two blocks to stand on public property in front of the newspaper to protest the false narrative the Editor published as News. On April 28th Ottawa County’s 20th Judicial Circuit Court declared that freely associating with freedom loving Americans speaking up for the President of the United States of America is “harmful”.
Jim also followed in compliance to Michigan State Law to notify the local newspaper that he may consider some of their actions targeting him to be libelous. This is a legal necessity, yet the 20th Judicial Circuit Court stated this was “harmful”.
Finally, Jim shared a Social Media Posting, originally posted by the local newspaper on its own Facebook Page, “National Hug a Newsperson Day”. Jim shared this on his own personal page, suggesting when hugging the Editor, to ask a few questions about the ways the Paper chooses stories of the Day, to advance an agenda known to most as “Fake News”. In the 20th Judicial Circuit Court the word hug, which is defined by Webster’s as an action of affection, has been redefined to mean “Harm”.
This tale is unbelievable but sadly very true.
Per Michigan law, before an appeal to correct this miscarry of justice, Jim must ask (motion) the same court to reverse the PPO. A motion was filed and a hearing set for June 26th. Shortly before June 26, the judge cancelled the date, and ordered the motion be amended. An amended motion was filed on July 27. After weeks in limbo, a hearing was set for July 31 but canceled. Finally, the court set August 17 for the hearing.
If an editor may successfully use the court to SLAPP a local conservative grassroots activist in Ottawa County, you may be the next target. Any local editor, confronted with failing circulation, could turn on conservative grassroots activists to justify their failed business model, we know as “Fake News”.
We need to stand to support Jim’s legal cause to show this local editor and the 20th Judicial Circuit Court, that we stand together, as did our Founding Fathers of the American Republic, united by Providence’s Word, where we know, Liberty is Not Free.
I am passionate about helping Jim with these expenses not only because he is a dear friend of mine, but because this could have been me or you. Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Help spread the word!
Here in Ottawa County Michigan, our good Friend Jim Chiodo finds himself under a directed litigative assault by a Limited public figure. This Limited public figure used the Progressive political tool, known as a SLAPP action (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) to silence Jim. SLAPP suits are initiated to break the spirit, and financial resources of the target. Jim now confronts action brought by an editor of a local newspaper to silence him under the color of state law.
The editor found a unique way to bring SLAPP Litigation via a non-domestic personal protection order (PPO), citing a concern for her personal safety despite not being in contact with Jim since a meeting in 2014.
What did Jim do? He stood upon his bully pulpit and expressed free speech by associating with others who share his passion for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
What else? Jim organized a gathering of Michiganders in Support of President Donald J. Trump in a park in Holland. They peacefully marched two blocks to stand on public property in front of the newspaper to protest the false narrative the Editor published as News. On April 28th Ottawa County’s 20th Judicial Circuit Court declared that freely associating with freedom loving Americans speaking up for the President of the United States of America is “harmful”.
Jim also followed in compliance to Michigan State Law to notify the local newspaper that he may consider some of their actions targeting him to be libelous. This is a legal necessity, yet the 20th Judicial Circuit Court stated this was “harmful”.
Finally, Jim shared a Social Media Posting, originally posted by the local newspaper on its own Facebook Page, “National Hug a Newsperson Day”. Jim shared this on his own personal page, suggesting when hugging the Editor, to ask a few questions about the ways the Paper chooses stories of the Day, to advance an agenda known to most as “Fake News”. In the 20th Judicial Circuit Court the word hug, which is defined by Webster’s as an action of affection, has been redefined to mean “Harm”.
This tale is unbelievable but sadly very true.
Per Michigan law, before an appeal to correct this miscarry of justice, Jim must ask (motion) the same court to reverse the PPO. A motion was filed and a hearing set for June 26th. Shortly before June 26, the judge cancelled the date, and ordered the motion be amended. An amended motion was filed on July 27. After weeks in limbo, a hearing was set for July 31 but canceled. Finally, the court set August 17 for the hearing.
If an editor may successfully use the court to SLAPP a local conservative grassroots activist in Ottawa County, you may be the next target. Any local editor, confronted with failing circulation, could turn on conservative grassroots activists to justify their failed business model, we know as “Fake News”.
We need to stand to support Jim’s legal cause to show this local editor and the 20th Judicial Circuit Court, that we stand together, as did our Founding Fathers of the American Republic, united by Providence’s Word, where we know, Liberty is Not Free.
I am passionate about helping Jim with these expenses not only because he is a dear friend of mine, but because this could have been me or you. Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Help spread the word!
Organizer and beneficiary
Diane Schindlbeck
White Cloud, MI
James Chiodo