Deon D Jenkins For President
Donation protected
The Democratic National Committee requires 130,000 unique donors and 2 percent in the polls in order to qualify for the October 15th debates. With your help and support, we can have a reparations candidate articulating the reparations agenda on a national platform. My Defense. Money. Land. Grants (DMLG) plan will argue for the only reparations package that will make every black person who descended from the slave trade billionaires. I am the only candidate who believe that every black person who descended from the slave trade should become a billionaire based on an owed debt for centuries of forced labor and white terrorism that stripped Black Americans from trillions of dollars of economic stability, and became the richest country in the world based on a culture of terrorism and oppression, making Black Americans a bottom caste. I am the only candidate who speaks on having a reparations defense constructed by arming local, state, federal, and international agencies that will get created to protect the Constitutional rights of Black Americans who descended from the slave trade, and specifically that demographic to counter-resist any white terroristic resistance that will befall us after I sign it into law. I am the only Candidate who specifically talks about getting land and the logistics of making America keep the "40 acres and a mule" promise that will equate to over 400 million acres of land, a land mass larger than most states, and I am the only candidate who articulate grants as part of my reparations package in order to build financial institutions, schools, hospitals, science and technology, and any other social, political, and economical infrastructure that is needed in order to reverse the bottom caste status of Black Americans into the rightfully deserved and owed status of elite class in America. These grants will get distributed to Black Americans who descended from the slave trade who are entrepreneurs, scientists, doctors, engineers, teachers, inventors, and innovators for up to 50 years. We must have our voice heard, and we have to get in the White House for 2020, and show them that we will not vote for any candidate who does not take D.M.L.G. seriously. Reparations will be Defense. Money. Land. Grants!
Deon Jenkins
Vallejo, CA