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Voter ID - Democracy For All #MyMaskMyVote

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About Me and the Issue
Hello, I’m Andrea, and I'm taking a stand against the UK government's implementation of Voter ID laws that I believe are disenfranchising and discriminatory. As a Clinically Vulnerable person, who depends upon powerful immune suppressant medicines to stay alive, and with a track record of life-threatening complications from infections, I've always been aware of my health risks, which has only become more difficult in recent times. My challenge isn't just for me; it's about the collective right to have our voices heard and our votes counted, without compromising health or safety.

Why This Matters
In the 2023 local elections, I was denied my right to vote because I needed to wear a face mask at the polling station, despite providing valid photo ID. This refusal sparked a conversation about democracy, bodily autonomy, and the rights of clinically vulnerable people, as my story, shared with #MyMaskMyVote, reached over 2.5 million views on Twitter (X). My legal case challenges the Voter ID law under the Equality Act 2010 and the Human Rights Act 1998, arguing for our rights to participate in democracy fully and safely.

My Journey and Challenge
After being denied my vote, I felt compelled to act, not just for myself but for everyone who may find themselves in a similar situation.

An All Party Parliamentary Group (for Democracy & the Constitution) considered issues around Voter-ID and supported my view, suggesting that the refusal to let me vote might have been unlawful. A preliminary report by this APPG asserted that:

“Given that the passport was genuine and valid and that the photograph did not give rise to reasonable doubt that it was consistent with what could be seen as Andrea Barrett’s face, there is a question as to whether the refusal to allow her to vote was lawful under the 2022 Act (and, indeed, various provisions of the Equality Act 2010)".

Legal Aid Denied
However, as I don't qualify for Legal Aid, and most legal representatives require either legal aid or outright fees covered, my fight has become even tougher. 

A Vision for Clean Air
I know there are other Clinically Vulnerable people who were denied their right to vote in person. I hope to raise the need for clean air as a fundamental human right, not just for Clinically Vulnerable people but for everyone. Airborne transmission is the biggest driver of viral infections. Architectural advances to promote energy efficiency have had the unintended consequence of degrading indoor air quality, setting humanity up to fail at promoting ventilation when it was crucial at the start of 2020. Lessons still need to be learned and implemented. Since clean air is not yet built in to public services, it is especially important that nobody, particularly the vulnerable, should be forced to remove their mask in a poorly ventilated space.

Why I Need Your Help
I'm crowdfunding to cover the legal expenses necessary to continue my challenge. This fight is not just about voting; it’s about ensuring our freedoms aren't eroded under laws that don't consider the health and well-being of all citizens. Your support will help me to pay for legal representation I need to make this case as strong as possible, to create the best shot at creating tangible changes and improvements ASAP in time for the General Election.

How Your Support Helps
My aim is for every penny raised to go directly towards legal fees associated with my case. In the case that additional funds are raised any excess funds will be donated to charities that support Clinically Vulnerable people, promote better indoor air quality, and uphold Human Rights. 

Join Me in This Fight
Your support, whether financial or simply by sharing this campaign, means the world to me. Together, we can take a stand to protect health, rights, and votes. 

Thank You!
Thank you so much for any support you can offer. Remember, even the smallest amount can make a huge difference, and sharing this campaign with others helps spread our message far and wide.


Report, see paragraph 49-50, pages 19-20.


  • Gwyneth Fraser
    • 100 £
    • 8 meses
  • Owen White
    • 20 £
    • 10 meses
  • Jackie Mahon
    • 100 £
    • 11 meses
  • Julie Osman
    • 20 £
    • 11 meses
  • Anónimo
    • 10 £
    • 11 meses


Andrea Barrett

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