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Dental Assistance

Donazione protetta
My goal is to raise money to start a Dental Assistance program at Pediatric Dental Centers. Classes are on Friday nights 5:30-9:30

I am a widowed, single mother of 2, encouraged by my circumstances to conquer. A year ago, I lost custody of both of my children, Asher (5) & Jude (3) to The Department of Child Services. I was actively using heroin via IV, and a month later my husband of 5 years, died due to an overdose. Seeing my life quickly spiral out of control, I detoxed, and was accepted into a long-term recovery program called Blue Monarch. I struggled to open up the first few months, but eventually I learned that not everyone was out to get me. And as love was shown, I began to love myself and others.

I received complete custody of both children in November 2018. I was slowly given more responsibilities and freedom to make good choices while a resident at Blue Monarch, and thus far have been successful here working my program for 13 months. I am currently taking a work ethics course and my eyes have truly been opened to see my potential in the workplace.  Having a reliable 9-5 job would mean the world to me and my family.

Thank you, Angela Monk


Angela Monk
Tullahoma, TN

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