Disabled & Elderly FREE Plumbing & Heating service
Donation protected

Firstly we would like to wish you a Merry Belated Christmas 2020 and a Happy new year 2021, we hope and pray that you are all well.
Depher over the Christmas and new year period carried on the battle against Covid and The cold winter, protecting the Elderly, vulnerable and disabled in all our communities.
James Anderson our director and creator of Depher cic is a survivor of Covid and is still in recovery but working fewer hours, he started the pandemic as a pretty healthy 52 year old and now he struggles to breathe or do normal things, he has anxiety attacks and sleep issues, we know that he will make a full recovery as soon as possible, he has a loving family and God on his side.
Over the Christmas period our teams helped 93 families with our free plumbing and heating service, giving them all hope and keeping them safe.
We will continue the fight for you all and will always be a call away, we pray for you all and hope that you pray for us and James.
thank you
The Depher Family
In 2017, having witnessed a plumber from a heating company try to fraud an elderly and disabled person out of thousands of pounds ( £5500,00 ) James Anderson decided to do something about it. He set up DEPHER CIC ( Disabled and Elderly Plumbing and Heating Emergency Response ) as a registered Community Interest Company.

We have assisted and helped over nine Thousand families ( 10,249 ) up to date with free or massively reduced installations and thousands of FREE repairs, saving not just suffering and stopping rouge traders but also saving many lives.
Many Rogue traders Take advantage of the elderly as well as the disabled, they are picked on because of their age or health issues and seen as an easy target, Depher cic removes this situation and danger by enabling every elderly and disabled person in the United Kingdom access to our services 24 hours a day.
Last year over 17,000 people died because of cold homes and fuel poverty, depher will work hard and quickly to reduce this number every year.
There are thousands of elderly and disabled people in our towns, cities and communities that suffer in silence because they are either too proud or too scared to ask for help when it comes to their Plumbing and Heating repairs.

We are here for you and your family, we promise that the elderly and disabled will always have a voice and support through depher cic.
When the rogue traders call and when all hope is lost we will be waiting to stand up in defence of our vulnerable in our country.
We can only fulfil this promise if we are supported, we have no assistance from the Government nor any councils, this is all possible through public donations and private paying work.

Mrs Jackson Lovely lady scared and confused, cold home and worried about the cost, bless her. Boiler now repaired and her home is warming up again, she was so grateful.
Free emergency repair and now a member of the Depher Community Family.
I will continue to make sure the service that was promised many years ago is delivered to the Elderly, Disabled and Vulnerable members of the community.
I will never break that promise and oath I gave to millions of Elderly, Disabled and Vulnerable people in your Towns and Cities.
Please donate today and " SAVE A LIFE THIS WINTER AND EVERY WINTER "
Thank you so much James Anderson


James Anderson