Derrick needs to survive survival.
Friday, August 31st as I was waiting in line to exit I-70 to 207B in Denver a Hummer limo crashed into the back of my car at roughly 45-50 MPH and crushed my Lyft car. My passenger was immediately knocked unconscious and had he chose to sit in the back seat instead of the front he would not have survived the crash. While 6 cars were involved in the accident, thankfully no one was killed and only two people were hospitalized (one being my passenger).

This accident happened right before the busiest time of the week where I was on track to make over $1000 which was going to be used to pay my half of the rent, $865 that is due on Wednesday, September 5th. With the holiday weekend going on I am not able to get to Hertz to speak with them about getting another rental vehicle and others I have spoken with have told me that getting another vehicle and getting online could take up to another entire week.
I currently have $20 on me in cash and another $22 in my bank account until Wednesday, when the $75 I made after working off my rental fee gets transferred into my account. I will have a bill of $865 due on Wednesday and then I might need to survive the next two weeks without a car to produce any income. I still have electricity and internet bills to pay along with food and transportation. I believe I will back out driving for work by 9/17/18 by the latest.
Your donation will help me survive surviving a horrific car crash. Since I have moved to Denver I have always been a missed paycheck away from homelessness and this past weekend exemplified that. If you or someone you know has a car they would be willing to sell me a car to work Lyft (newer than 2010 with 4 doors are the only requirements) with I can afford it for a payment of $250-$350 a month.
Thank you for your support!
Derrick Blanton
2635 Columbine Street
Denver, CO 80205