Devastating Barn Fire. Equestrians lost everything
I am creating this for a friend Jessica Strachan who lost everything in a barn fire early this morning. She and her boarders are in desperate need of items and support. If you like to donate it would be greatly appreciated.
Our horse community is strong and we support and help each other when needed. Jessica and her barn family thank you all for coming together. Donations of items can also be dropped of at Creekside in Plattsville or at Horseshoe Stable in Waterloo also at Strachan equine, 515342 11th line Woodstock. Grooming supplies, lotions, tack, saddles, bridles, buckets, hay nets, grain and anything horse related can be donated. Please share this fundraiser out. Thank you everyone for your contribution and your support.
I want to thank everyone for all the support, kind words and donations. It's been a rough ride. I am so touched by this community and your generosity to my cause. I've lost so much and have barely begun to rebuild. It will be a long slow struggle to try and get back to where I was.
Unfortunately, someone has disagreed with my use of the donation from this fundraiser and they have reported it. I am using the funds to try and replace some of what I lost in the fire and to try and rebuild my business that I've worked my whole life to get off the ground. In the original description the boarders were mentioned as they also lost their tack, which I was thankfully given the opportunity to offer them some of the donations of tack to help cover their loses. One boarder did not like that she didn't get money from the fundraiser and got her tack replaced instead. With everything I have lost and am tying to process, this was another kick in the gut. Not only did I lose the business I've worked on my whole life, my income, my job, I also lost the barn I've rented for 7 yrs, the longest I've been in one place, ever. It was more home to me then anywhere. And then I lost the people and clients that I had helped and supported during my time at that barn. It's been one struggle after another.
I feel like I'm rambling on. In the end, has requested that I update the description of the fundraiser that my friend set up for me, to make it clear and concise that I am the sole beneficiary of the funds and that they will be used to replace a small percentage of what I lost in the fire and rebuild my business. Boarders received tack donations and have all moved out within the month post fire as the property owners decided not to rebuild the structure and instead asked me to vacate with in the month.
Along with the update to the fundraiser, is requiring me to refund donations of the donators who feel they did not donate to who they thought they were donating to.
My apologies to anyone that feels this fundraiser was unclear. We are all learning as barns don't burn down everyday and none of us have experienced anything like this before. I hope everyone that donated knows how much I appreciate the help and support. I've done my best, after all I've lost, to make sure the boarders, part boarders, etc, all were compensated the best I was able to.