Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Develop and Produce the Musical & Market the Book

Spende geschützt
Hi, as the author, I am fundraising for the “Promises of Gold”projects.  Like you, someone special has impacted my life in an unforgettable way and I believe that sharing the story of this loving women’s life of faith well lived will connect with you in a way that will make a difference in your life and the lives of so many others.

I am honored to have been positively influenced by this woman and to have experienced the love she shared with all those she came in contact with, no matter what trials she was personally facing.

Your contribution will assist in enabling Inviting Developments to support the administrative expenses and creative process for the “Promises of Gold”musical and book projects.  

Also, your donations will provide opportunities to artists who often struggle to find work in the theater industry as well as help distribute the book to women who may not be able to afford the book but who would benefit from the story of resilience found in it’s pages.

In addition, your contribution will aid in keeping up with theater operations and production expenses for the “Promises of Gold Musical” and costs associated with, marketing the “Promises of Gold” book to  various women’s organizations and charities.

I am very grateful that you have taken the time to learn about the “Promises of Gold” fundraising initiative and I appreciate your generosity.


Inviting Developments
Kendall Park, NJ

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