Dhammajarinee Witthaya School
Donation protected
Please help us raise $50,000 to purchase 205 laptops for the 410 girls in grades 7-9 to learn STEM and English at the Dhammajarinee Witthaya School.
About the Dhammajarinee Witthaya School
Since 1993, the Dhammarjinee Witthaya School (DWS) has offered a safe and loving home with quality education to over 4,000 underserved Thai girls, including orphans, refugees, and those suffering from abuse and impoverishment. In addition to receiving a formal education, students gain vocational, sustainability, and personal development skills. Over 90% of graduates attend college—ending the cycle of poverty and a lack of opportunity for themselves and their families.
The problem: Lack of STEM and English Proficiency at DWS
While DWS is exceptionally well-run, many students arrive at the school below their grade level in learning, especially in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) and English. 20% of the girls ages 7-14 entering the school are illiterate, and many upper-grade students arrive with third-grade reading skills. A lack of STEM and English proficiency places these already underserved students at a further disadvantage for their future.
Importance of STEM education
STEM-based education emphasizes hands-on learning for real-world applications and helps develop a wide variety of important skills including: creativity and curiosity; media, health/medical, science, and technology literacy; social skills and communication; and entrepreneurship. In addition to providing a solid educational grounding, STEM proficiency is highly beneficial in providing more varied, more lucrative, and often more fulfilling vocation opportunities.
Only 1% of girls in Thailand expect to work in ICT (information and communications technology) -related professions, but the need for these jobs is ever-increasing—today 50% of Asia Pacific CEOs find it difficult to hire talent with suitable tech skills, and by 2030 there will be a shortage of 47 million such workers in the region. Over 90% of all jobs require digital skills, and as the tech revolution transforms all businesses, every industry will need such trained individuals. Simply put—the need for girls in STEM is greater than ever before.
Importance of English proficiency
English proficiency dramatically increases the chances of getting a job in a national or multinational company and is associated with significantly higher incomes and living standards. It also provides a gateway to international communications, information, and culture.
The solution: Educate DWS students in STEM and English
DWS has received grants to run award-winning online STEM (including ICT, coding robotics, and AI that integrates throughout the school curriculum) and English programs. These programs complement traditional education, providing customized, one-on-one learning and further enrichment. This education ensures that DWS students are equipped with the knowledge and capability to succeed in our rapidly advancing interconnected, scientific, and digital world.
This Project
We would like to raise $50,000 for 205 laptops to have a 2:1 student-to-laptop ratio for our 410 students in grades 7-9 to learn STEM and English online—giving them access to the knowledge they need to catch up to their grade level and excel in these key subjects. Students will additionally use the laptops for afterschool tutoring, online academic competitions, research, and creative collaboration projects. Hundreds of incoming grade 7 students will also use these laptops in the coming years—transforming the learning at the school and improving the prospects of our students’ lives. We have raised funds to run these programs for our grade 10-12 students and now need your help to offer them to our grade 7-9 students. 100% of the funds raised will go towards purchasing the laptops.
A donation of any size is deeply appreciated and helps us reach our goal. $250 covers the purchase of one laptop—unlocking endless learning and giving access to life-changing opportunities.
Thank you for sharing our project with your friends and family on social media.
This project is supported by the Girls Opportunity Alliance.
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Organizer and beneficiary
Dhammajarinee Witthaya School
Girls Opportunity Alliance Fund, A Project Of GoFundMe.org