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getting back to California

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Hello, I was homeless in LA struggling a lot, and I was promised help by a family member in Illinois to get on my feet so I drove 2,000 miles out of my way and was lied to and ended up just being used instead..I was promised a job also and that never happened..This person also used my credit card and is not going to pay me back..So now I have more problems than what I had in LA..LA will be a struggle too, but at least I'll be out of this toxic environment in IL. I need my car repaired first before I can do anything else. Nothing good has came out of this whole situation..I will need money until I can find a job in LA..I have been in a very dark place for a long time, and I'm at the worst time in my life right now and I've lost all hope. 

I never ask people for anything.. especially money, So this is hard for me. 

Thank you so much I'll appreciate anything at all..❤️


Normal, IL

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