Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Diana's Fire Recovery Fund

Spende geschützt

Tragedy happened last night in our small town of Premont, around 1:30am my home of all my child/teen years went up in flames. My mom, and I resided at the residence and were able to get out. As you all can imagine how hard it is, to lose everything as in memories and material things.. at least no one was injured. We have our health. Within that, on behalf of myself, and my family we ask for the community's help to get my mom, and I back on our feet. Anything helps, and please help spread the word. Thank you all so much in advance for helping my family and I through this time. We would've never thought something like this would happen, but we must face it head on. God bless you, today and everyday.



  • Esther Cruz
    • $25
    • 7 yrs


Toye Gandy
Premont, TX

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