Diapers for Babies in Need During COVID-19
On the most perfectly uneventful day in the US, 1 in 3 families cannot afford an adequate supply of diapers for their children. When unexpected events like natural disasters and emergencies occur, that number soars within the affected communities. Today, all of our communities are affected and more diapers and more support are needed to keep babies clean, dry and healthy.
Like me, you probably went to the grocery store at the onset of the COVID-19 crisis and were shocked to see empty food aisles and empty shelves, and particularly no toilet paper anywhere. Why? Because we all recognize that toilet paper is a material basic necessity that we all require to maintain good health and hygiene.
The same is true for diapers. Diapers are a material basic necessity that all babies and toddlers require for good health.
Yet during this crisis, more and more families are struggling to diaper their children, leading them to seek emergency help from National Diaper Bank Network (NDBN) member diaper bank programs throughout the country.
We are experiencing an unprecedented emergency.
WE KNOW: Crises are inevitable, and NDBN's crisis-response experience will help us navigate COVID-19.
Over the last 10 years, the National Diaper Bank Network (NDBN) has been at the forefront of providing diapers to children and families in emergency situations.
- Works with federal, state, and local officials to respond quickly and efficiently;
- Partners with local diaper banks to assess individual community needs;
- Coordinates with corporate supporters to get diapers to the areas that need help most.
WE RESPOND: The impact of the Coronavirus is unprecedented, but NDBN is adapting to meet the increase in diaper need.
NDBN is:
- Initiating outreach to key government officials and commercial vendors to know what types of assistance can and will be available;
- Providing up to date information to 200+ member diaper banks across the country to best assist them as circumstances change daily;
- Communicating almost daily with our founding sponsor, Huggies , as part of our shared commitment to do everything possible to help deliver and distribute diapers during this unprecedented time.
Can't imagine a baby in a soiled diaper? Neither can we!
Want to help people in diaper need? We do too!
Your gift today will enable NDBN to best respond to the needs of our communities now, and build the foundation for their eventual recovery.