vicious dog attack
My precious Diego [in loving memory] passed away due to a pit bull (off leash) attack at our local park Sunday, October 1, 2017, where he was taken down by the neck the way pit bulls do to their prey, swiftly and without letting go, dragging him around, which was so horrifying to witness.
Diego was adopted from The Shelter on the Hill 4 years ago and will be sorely missed each day.
Sammy [thankfully doing better]had extensive damage to her underbelly.
The owners of the pit bull (Stephanie Steverson and Justin Brockmeyer) also had a mastiff (off leash) with them that day who attacked Sammy within minutes of Diego, wounding her so severely that she was yelping and went into hiding in the library parking lot, whereas Diego was just hanging on for dear life.
Thanks to the many Good Samaritans who came to our aid during the aftermath of this unfolding trauma as I went into shock over the events taking place.
Since I was unable to obtain any statements made to the Sheriff's deputy who arrived at the scene after the fact, am hoping some of those present will contact me to make a stronger record of what occurred.
SOTH suggested I create a campaign on GoFundMe to recoup vet expenses. Vet bills and additional related costs are $1800. I am not getting any assistance from the people responsible. The man Justin told me they are on the brink of bankruptcy when I called him from the vet clinic in the SCV later that day, yet at the scene he told me he would cover any expenses.
Due to the stress and trauma experienced, I had to take time off (self-employed transcriber) from work to recover, and then as things tend to slow down at this time of year, finances have become rather tight and very much appreciate any assistance received.
Pets are LOVE wrapped in fur...
Yours truly~
Craigslist/community/pets as of 11-19-17