Dignity Moves' Community Building Fundraiser
Tax deductible
Want to join us in making a difference? Our names are Sydney Middleton and Cora Champommier. We are students at Redwood High School and are determined to help end unsheltered homelessness in our community. Every Sunday, we go to DignityMoves San Fransisco to provide a pancake breakfast and connect with the residents at 1 of 7 housing locations, bringing 70+ people off the streets at each one. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause everything helps, and we want to try to be as involved as consistently as possible. Starting with these pancake breakfasts, but hopefully soon to more community-building activities like game nights and more access to technology. These people have hit hard times, but they deserve to receive as much fun and opportunities as everyone; the appreciation from them even with the pancakes shows the importance of this mission!
Sydney Middleton
Larkspur, CA