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Need support of Family & Friends! (Steve Anderson)

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Hi my name is Rose Anderson, Steve's wife. We would not be asking for your help unless we have exhausted all other means. But because of 8 different surgeries over the past 3-4 years, neck fusion twice, both ankles fussed, total left shoulder and total right knee replacement. His body is just worn out and trying to recover as much as possible, but a very slow process. In the meantime, we are living on our Social Security and my part time JC Pennys paycheck. So the medical bills and other bills including rent are getting farther and farther behind to the point we are in Danger of losing our house. So, we are asking family, friends, neighbors, to please help and give what you can please. God bless you and thank you for your love and support.


Steve Anderson
Marysville, WA

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