I've been completely disabled for the last 15 years, after a lifetime struggle with debilitating illnesses. My retirement income is enough for food and housing, but little else. A couple years ago, I was told that I will be mostly blind, with marginal peripheral vision, eventually.
I need to prepare for my eventual blindness, as well as address my current physical issues that inhibit my independence, mobility and safety.
I have tried to generate income through genealogy research, but it hasn't been successful. I simply do not know what else to do, except to put out a serious public appeal.
I need:
*A car or van that can carry my disability scooter;
*An electric bed for my scoliosis and severe arthritis, so that I can stop sleeping in a reclining chair;
*Extensive dental work (Medicare does not cover any dental work at all);
*Furniture designed to get projects & papers off the floor so that my scooter can move around my apartment, and I won't fall and hurt myself again;
*Veterinary care for my service dog, Charlemagne, who needs his teeth worked on, under anesthesia.
I will happily provide references. More information can be had about me on my blog, DIARY OF AN ACCIDENTAL HERMIT.
Please donate and/or post this GOFUNDME link on your social media.