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Displaced Wolaytas Emergency Fund

Don protégé
A score of wolaytas attacked at Hawassa city based on their ethnic identity in the past several days.  A number of people killed, injured and thousands displaced after their houses were burned in to ashes. Thousands of our folks children, women and elderly were  forced to stay at Hawassa Masqal square before they moved to Tabor School.  

People with good heart at Hawassa and Shashemene currently trying to help with food and water. Religious institutions doing their best to support with what they can.  At this time, our people are earnestly  looking at your hands regardless of where you live. 
Please give any amount you afford as quickly as possible and show your solidarity with the displaced people of Wolayta. 

The funds collected will be channeled through  reputable individuals preferably leaders of religious organizations who have zero contact with politicians.  

If you have questions about this fund raiser feel free to contact:

   1. Dr Fekadu Haybano   202-437-6762     3. Alemayehu Albe                  [téléphone supprimé]
   2. Dr Marcos Faltamo    [téléphone supprimé]     4. Wesenachew Zebdewos [téléphone supprimé]

ለወገን  ደራሽ ወገን  ነው!
Je soutiens


  • Anonyme
    • 50 $
    • 6 ans
  • JOMOLA Gemu
    • 100 $
    • 7 ans
  • Yisak Churkos
    • 50 $
    • 7 ans
  • Birhanesh Alaro
    • 100 $
    • 7 ans
  • Gizachew Godana
    • 100 $
    • 7 ans
Je soutiens

Équipe de collecte de fonds : International Coalition of Wolaytas (31)

Fekadu Haybano
Washington D.C., DC
Southshore for Samrawit Hagos
Team member
Asrat Mena
Team member
Genet Lamago
Team member
Settena Matthew
Team member

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