Do Dav & Opie Deserve This ?
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My name is Doug. This story is not about me or anything I have done, rather it is about a man devoted to what he loves . It's the story of a man with a hard life that had that life changed by our Lord and Savior-Jesus Christ!
About 15 years ago while on my way to work I stopped and picked up a homeless man walking in the freezing rain on his way to temporary job miles away. The next day I did the same- it continued for a few days as I pried Davs' story from him little by little. After several days of this
I brought him home with me to live with my wife and I, son and his new bride{my fantastic d-i-l who has given me 5 Fabulous Grands}, 2 pitbulls with the demeanor of labs, and minature schnauzer with a real attitude. All this in a 2 bedroom 1 bath house of less than 1000 sq ft.
This was the beginning of a remarkable friendship and the transformation of a man called Dav.
Davs' life was reborn. He had found life to be tough since birth with the exception of his mother's love.
He started attending church with us, got saved, and made a public profession of faith with baptism.
The next year or so brought better and better jobs . During this time he also helped his girlfriend weather a very tough 9 month long rehab program for drugs. He married Jackie [Moonpie} shortly thereafter. Mooner was the love of his life. The happy young couple bought their first house where they lived for years till Jackie lost her job due to a debilitating illness. Her health continued to decline until a couple years ago when she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Dav had no choice but to leave work to personally care for Mooner during the few months the docs had given her.
During this trial, despite the excellent care Dav provided, more bad news was on its way. Jackie outlived the docs prediction by months, but Dav was diagnosed with prostrate cancer and a hernia during this time. The hernia had to be repaired, but Dav decided to forgo his cancer treatment to care for Mooner.
Fast forward to Jan 2022. Dave has lost the love of his life in Dec 2021. He is now got to face his own cancer that has not responded to the docs medications. Dav now has 2 more weeks of an 8 week radiation plan and was told today that he may not go back to work until at least he has finished his 2 year chemo treatment plan.
There is one bright spot in Dav's tragic story. That is Opie {pictured above} a vivacious American Bully that was given to Dave shortly before Jackie's death and is now the focus of his life.
Despite Dav's best efforts on a s.s. income of less than 12,000 a year he is now faced with foreclosure on the home he and Jackie shared. His only option from the mortgage company is to pay double payments for the next 6 months. That's dang near $4000.00 that has to start in less than 3 weeks.
I can't do it, but WE CAN ! A christian man that has been thru the fire needs help-He needs praying and giving compassionate christian friends now ! Please prayerfully consider joining me and open your heart and purse strings to help a man and his best friend-thanks Doug
Doug Goodwin
Pauline, SC