Doctor Robertson’s Clinic in Kenya
From 2012 to 2018 I took medical students to Nakuru in Kenya with the help of the NGO So They Can. Together, we managed to build approximately 40 houses and assist in the establishment of a medical clinic that is now run by the Kenyan Ministry of Health. Google "Moses housing fund Kenya" to see Facebook for the full background story if you are interested.
East Pokot, north of Nakuru in Kenya has an average lifespan of 55 years. Female genital mutilation and the selling of teenage girls for cattle are still common. With the help of So they Can I would like to start up another clinic in East Pokot to help address this situation. This will be specifically aimed at young, disadvantaged females. The aim is to provide check ups, vaccinations and health education to promote better lifestyle choices and better outcomes as the girls develop into women.
More information about SO THEY CAN: Our mission is to provide quality education to children living in poverty in East Africa through improved learning conditions, teacher training and development, and inclusive partnerships with the community and in-country governments.
James Robertson
Rushcutters Bay, NSW