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Documentary Exposing Watchtower Org

Spende geschützt
We are You Tube bloggers who have personally lost family due to the captive organization of Watchtower, also known as Jehovah's witnesses. The funds will be used to create an international documentary on the Jehovah's witness organization and it will be translated in several languages. We plan to use the money to buy the necessary equipment to film this documentary and also travel to the necessary countries to interview former members. We are trying to raise enough in time before the summer which is when we plan to do the filming. This is important to us and the millions of people who have been affected by the unjust and cruel practice of shunning. The organization has been directly behind the break up of families and the death of thousands of people who died for being ordered not to get a blood transfusion. This will also shine a light to the thousands of cases of child sex abuse crimes whom the organization has chosen not to take to the authorities.
We as well as countless others affected, would be eternally grateful for your support you give in shining a light on the stories that have never been heard.
Thank you so much!

Christian and Katja Gutierrez


  • Maria Grenfell
    • $20
    • 6 yrs


Christian Gutierrez
Calgary, AB

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