Keep Our Meat and Seafood Natural
Donation protected
The Dominion Project is about the Meat, Chicken and Seafood we eat . Cooking and Sharing it is one of the greatest joys in my life and it’s one of the last things I ever thought I would have to defend from what feels like a foreign invasion.
Before reading any further it’s important to know the basic definition of what we are talking about.
Cell-generated meat and seafood, also known as cultivated meat, is meat or seafood that is grown in a lab from animal cells, instead of being raised and slaughtered from animals
When I first heard words like “Cell Generated” “Lab Produced” “Cultured” “Synthetic Beef”, they were just words with no meaning. Then as I began to drill down into what they meant in terms of the Foods we eat, I blew it off as just an experimental fad. But when I started seeing the Who’s Who Behind it; Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Leonardo DiCaprio, Cargill, Tyson Foods and the dollars those individuals and corporations were talking about spending: $60 Million, $1.5 Billion, etc. I knew the threat was real and that I had to do something—-But What??? I would do what John Adams “and Friends” always does—-I’ll fight—Individually at first and see what happens and who shows up.
The First two that showed up were Bruce Smith, an old friend from my Publishing days and Joyce Schwing my Co-Partner on the last Campaign
I Fought On—-FiX Form SiX.
And WHAT Showed Up First and Next was the State of Florida who passed a lay that prohibited the manufacture, sale or consumption of Cell Generated Meat and Seafood.
Just Like That-BOOM- the RACE and the WAR was on and I was on Auto Pilot. The Message, the Strategies, The Tactics all began to take shape. The Vehicle would be the newest trend in Communications—-PODCAST, The Launch Timeline will be the hour after the Ball Drops in Time Square and 2025 is a clean white sheet of paper.
The Podcast Format will be a combination of FOOD for FUN and FOOD ISSUES WORTH FIGHTING FOR. Short video snippets like, “Let’s Make an omelette ” is an example of the fun that is designed to attract everyday folks to watch another everyday guy, not a Celebrity Chef, cook and share because he loves it. But it’s the core of The Dominion Projects hard edged message that will keep audiences engaged with probing features like “Three Empty Chairs”. That will be centerpiece of our first Podcast and will become our first Battlefield.
Because of my familiarity with so many of the elements of creative media, These elements came together like clockwork and the first Podcast is already beginning to take shape.
People are Skeptics, so I won’t just talk about three empty Chairs——-I’ll do a sample of THREE EMPTY CHAIRS like this.
You may remember the original scene from the 2012 Republican Convention when Clint Eastwood interviewed Barack Obama, depicted by an empty Chair.
That first Podcast Promotion inviting viewers to watch our Podcast will air at Midnight New Years Eve on FOX NEWS, CNN and NEWSMAX to every Cable television Viewers in Florida—-46% of the households in Florida. Those viewers will join our podcast alliance when they Scan the QR Code in a 30 second ad that will ask viewers, “Do You Know What Your Next Presidents favorite Seafood is? A special streaming ad will target non cable households who stream their television signal in additional television markets.
Each week a new Podcast will be added to the revolving 52 week cycle of programming that will make up the core of the first year of The Dominion Projects Content. Each weekly segment will focus for approximately 2/3’s of its content on comparing and contrasting America’s natural meat and seafood supply vs. synthetic meat and seafood products. The guest will be invited from some of the 170+ start-up companies who are reportedly hoping to produce cell generated Synthetic Meat and Seafood to serve the synthetic Meat and Seafood market when and if it develops. Other guest will be politicians involved in regulating this new industry, Farmers and Commercial Fisherman whose livelihoods depend on traditional meat and seafood, and others involved or impacted by this new food concept. The remaining 1/3 of the content will be Food Fun Snippits
As the podcast audisnce grows each regular podcast will be followed by up to a 30 minute Talk Show Format with additional Guest to join me in taking viewers calls. These segments will continually revolve and new content will be added daily or as often as the caller and guest traffic dictates.
This new Food Phenomenon, which was barely on anyone’s radar screen just a few months ago has all of a sudden mushroomed into what I believe is the biggest threat to healthy eating and “Freedom of Food Choice” in history. You can count on me and my team to fight for the most basic of our Human needs, the nourishment that keeps us alive.
As is often the case, our government is filled with people who somehow go from wanting to serve others to people who want to use governments power and authority to control others. Our Podcast will also Focus on that underlying problem. My role in this journey, that I hope everyone who comes to this crowdfunding site will join me on; will be to look, sound, and act like a Junkyard Dog when it comes to protecting our Food Choices, Food Rights and Government Overreach .
My role will also be that of a peacemaker / deal maker when opportunities to win without compromising come along.
Also, as is often the case, much of an ambivalent public will go on with their daily lives oblivious to the threat that this “Foreign Element of Cell Food Lab Produced Food Junkies”. Are trying to inject into our natural food supply.
The “Cell Generated / Lab Produced Meat and Seafood” food category has already been given broad approval by the USDA, even though estimates are that the earliest any individual company could gain USDA approval and bring a product, other than synthetic chicken, to market is still an estimated two to three years away.
Where did something this crazy come from??? It came from the minds of many like Jeff Bezos, the Corporate Board of Tyson Food and Cargill, entertainment icons like Leonardo DiCaprio and many others.
Here is what Bill Gates, at one time, the richest man in the world told Cameron Jenkins wrote about Gates statement in a recent issue of The Hill,
“I do think all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef," Gates said when asked about how countries can help to reduce methane emissions when it comes to food production. "You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is they’re going to make it taste even better over time. “Several other publications and Television Reports including Forbes, Beef Magazine, Popular Mechanics and FOX NEWS have reported the same ”100%” statement attributed to Gates.
Gates is also a major investor in multiple companies seeking USDA approval to produce these kinds of products. Jeff Bezos is reportedly investigating $60 million dollars of his $ Billion Dollar Earth Fund in the Cultivated/Synthetic Meat and Seafood Industry. , America’s largest privately held corporation , Cargill will reportedly invest $1.5 Billion in this industry. Other major investors are Tyson Foods, CEO of Whole Foods, Leonardo DiCaprio, Richard Branson, Snoop Dogg. and many others.
While our content will strive to equalize the balance between meat and seafood in our content and presentation, because my real world experiences is literally living 24/7 on and next to the ocean for five months of the year, the solutions we can most effectively have a direct impact on will be focused on restoring the ocean. We will seek to form relationships with other organizations and advocacy groups whose focus is more toward protecting the land and traditional farming. At this point I have seen very little formalized resistance at any level.
The Dominion Project’s long range goal is the same as “A Stated Goal” in many of these “170” companies mission statements — Restore and Aid the oceans in reaching a sustainable level of fish and mammals that live in the sea and maintain that level with best management practices. But our methodology’s of how to do that couldn’t be more different. In Short our Mission will be to Replenish the Sea while the “170”s Mission seems to be to Re-Invent the Sea.
Our experience in using television to win big campaigns spans 15 years and several Big Wins. Our Media mix for the Dominion Project will begin to transition away from telivision and into Podcasting. At the end of this overview is a link to our advocacy history. I see traditional television as becoming less and less effective as mediums like streaming and podcasting become more and more popular. John Adams and Friends and The Dominion Project will mirror those trends in our use of technology to bring about Social resistance and change to the challenges we are motivated to confront.
Revenue from this Go Fund me will primarily go for:
- 1. Editorial, Video Production and Graphic Design.
- 2. Msc expenses for production
- 3. purchasing ads to extend reach
While we will seek volunteers for every part of this project it’s almost certain that some task cannot be done by volunteers and will require compensation.
Any donor will have access to our expenditures with a 14 day notice.
Our position in this Podcast Series will be opposing the distribution and sale of any meat or seafood that is not produced by natures timeless process with the exception of regions of the world where mass starvation and famine exist. We also recognize and will not oppose the use of Cultured food products in space exploration projects.
Since Texas and Alabama have passed laws banning the manufacture, sale and consumption of the product and Italy is the first country to ban the product. One of out tactics will be to find a Legislator to sponsor Bills similar to Florida’s 1084 bill banning synthetic meat and seafood in the top beef producing states. We are actively beginning to lay the groundwork to try and move legislation forward in other states to do what Florida and Alabama have already done.
Please help us in the first step of Our Journey. That step is buying the first Television ads and the equipment to launch our first podcast.
To See Hi lights of What We Have Done in the Past View this link.
To Either become a guest on The Dominion Project or have me introduce you relevant views on issues we are covering contact me Through this fundraiser.
If you choose to support the Dominion Project with your money, you may rest assured that your donation will be seriously guarded, invested, and appreciated. Now please join me, not by saying you like what I am doing but by helping me do it. Please donate as much as you can when our active fundraising begins. It’s Our Food Future your money will help to preserve and defend.
John Adams
Inglis, FL