Doing it for Stacy - Fund Cancer Treatment
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Stacy has now had four cycles of intense chemotherapy,She is due to have six in total on the NHS, These consist of a total of six hour iv infusions with two different chemotherapy drugs in hospital and then two tablets a day at home for two days. As you can see from the updates this is really starting to affect her greatly. Due to this we have spoken to a clinic in Mexico called The Hope 4 Cancer Treatment Center and they have agreed to take Stacy on as a patient there.
The center uses alternative non-toxic treatments which will help re-build Stacys immune system improving her overall condition,and offers therapy to improve her mental health.It will start with a 3 week stay in Mexico then two follow up trips for further treatment and purchasing of extra Supplements to bring home every 3 months.
Stacys personalised treatment plan is.
3 week Cancun Outpatient Clinic Treatment: £39,300
This includes lodging at a local beachside all-inclusive resort for the patient and one companion, meals for the patient both at clinic and hotel and meals for a companion at the hotel, transportation, in-clinic assessment upon arrival and before departure, daily schedule of supportive therapies, 3 months of Hope Program supplements, and 1 year of Hope Program support. This allows us to monitor your progress, continue providing support where needed, and make additional treatment recommendations if necessary.
Follow up trip treatment plan x2
Sono-Photo Dynamic Therapy (SPDT): £5,700
Sunivera Immunotherapy Program: £7,100
Salvus Immunotherapy Program: £3,000
Antiorbital Ionic Calcium (AIC) Therapy: £3,000
Purchase of 3 months additional Supplements
to bring home. £5,000
On top of these prices we will also need to pay for.
Flights for two people for the 3 visits.
Accomodation for two people for 2 of the visits.
With every donation we are a step closer to making this happen for Stacy.
Thank you so much to everyone that has donated and shared this page so far it really dose mean the world to us xxx
Stacy has now had four cycles of intense chemotherapy,She is due to have six in total on the NHS, These consist of a total of six hour iv infusions with two different chemotherapy drugs in hospital and then two tablets a day at home for two days. As you can see from the updates this is really starting to affect her greatly. Due to this we have spoken to a clinic in Mexico called The Hope 4 Cancer Treatment Center and they have agreed to take Stacy on as a patient there.
The center uses alternative non-toxic treatments which will help re-build Stacys immune system improving her overall condition,and offers therapy to improve her mental health.It will start with a 3 week stay in Mexico then two follow up trips for further treatment and purchasing of extra Supplements to bring home every 3 months.
Stacys personalised treatment plan is.
3 week Cancun Outpatient Clinic Treatment: £39,300
This includes lodging at a local beachside all-inclusive resort for the patient and one companion, meals for the patient both at clinic and hotel and meals for a companion at the hotel, transportation, in-clinic assessment upon arrival and before departure, daily schedule of supportive therapies, 3 months of Hope Program supplements, and 1 year of Hope Program support. This allows us to monitor your progress, continue providing support where needed, and make additional treatment recommendations if necessary.
Follow up trip treatment plan x2
Sono-Photo Dynamic Therapy (SPDT): £5,700
Sunivera Immunotherapy Program: £7,100
Salvus Immunotherapy Program: £3,000
Antiorbital Ionic Calcium (AIC) Therapy: £3,000
Purchase of 3 months additional Supplements
to bring home. £5,000
On top of these prices we will also need to pay for.
Flights for two people for the 3 visits.
Accomodation for two people for 2 of the visits.
With every donation we are a step closer to making this happen for Stacy.
Thank you so much to everyone that has donated and shared this page so far it really dose mean the world to us xxx
This is a long one so hang in there as you really wouldn’t believe this families circumstance, life can be so cruel.
My best friend Stacy was diagnosed with a very rare and incurable neuroendocrine tumour in her cervix in October, unfortunately it has spread to her liver and pelvis. The cancer is rare, aggressive and it is stage 4. Stacy was also diagnosed when she was 15 with Lupus, Fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. She is unable to take any of her medication for this at present time due to her treatment she is receiving, so on top of her cancer she is in so much pain almost every day.
Daniel and Stacy have had a hard life… Their first child (Hayden) was born with a heart condition – congenital complete heart block, he had a pacemaker fitted at six weeks old. He has now had four pacemakers and now 18, he is hoping to go to University this year to study medicine as he wants to help others like those that have helped his family.
Their second child (Tia) was checked and had the same issues. She was very poorly and had fluid around her heart so they fitted a pacemaker within 24 hours of birth. Tia remained well for about two years but developed dilated cardiomyopathy (heart failure). Tia spent nearly a year on life support. Her only hope was a heart transplant, she waited five months. Stacy never came home once as she refused to come home without Tia, thankfully all went well and Tia is now eleven years post transplant. Stacy & Daniel were told the transplant would give her nine to fifteen years so they always have this hanging over them. During the pandemic Tia had two episodes of rejection. She was shielding and couldn’t go to school or even see her friends. She even wasn’t allowed out for the 30 minutes of exercise we were allowed, at the present time Tia is doing well.

Stacy’s partner Daniel is a builder and was having issues with his neck. They diagnosed a frozen shoulder. After numerous treatments, things were just getting worse. Eventually after nearly a year they agreed to a mri, what they were told next is just unbelievable - he has a mass/tumour of considerable size at the top of his spine that was causing all the pain. He is going into hospital on Tuesday the 25th January to have the tumour removed and it will be tested to see if it's benign or malignant. He has a very long road ahead of him. He hasn’t been able to work now for about four months and with his rehabilitation it will be months before he can work again.
Stacy’s Dad also is suffering from incurable cancer so together they are supporting one another, for him hearing that his daughter was experiencing the same thing was equally heart breaking. As a family they are all having to go through so much.
Stacy and her family are relentlessly researching different treatment plans to help prolong her life that are not available on the NHS and this is where you can all help there are lots of alternative options for treatment but just for consultations your looking at anything between £250.00 to £450.00 for half an hour. The initial indications are that the treatment needed will be in the region of £90,000. Stacy has been given a few months to live but with treatment we are hoping the prognosis will be improved. We would appreciate any donation however large or small.
With love and thanks
With love and thanks
Sarah xx
Some personal words from Stacy.
Do you know what being told you have cancer is hard. Being given a prognosis is harder. I've laughed, I've cried, I've stared at a wall for hours in silence. Nothing changed, I still have cancer. I am determined to hit this with as much force as it needs. I know I'm going to have bad days, of course I am, but that's normal. A positive attitude goes a long way and I am going to try my hardest to remain strong and positive through this whole process.
I would like to thank my gorgeous best friend Sarah. She has been there for me through every bad and good situation in my life. I am so lucky to have her by my side nagging me to drink, telling me to slow down and laughing with me so much till we cry. I am sending a massive thank you to you Sarah, I love and appreciate you loads xxxxx
Thank you to everybody that has taken the time to look through our page. We appreciate every donation and words of encouragement more than you will ever know xxxxx
Co-organizers (4)
Sarah Hill
Daniel Price
Chris Watkins
Team member
Daniel Price
Team member
Stacy Watkins
Team member