Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Dolch Family Fire Assitance Fund

Spende geschützt
On 3/2/2020, while the family was at work, Mike's townhome caught fire. It seems to have started from the outside and went through all levels of the home. From the neighboring community, it could be seen and was called in by a neighbor. Luckily, another neighbor was able to get the dogs out safely and notify Mike at work. 

While the fire department was able to get the fire extinguished quickly- what wasn't burned, was covered in water and they will need to rebuild their lives. Some things are simply irreplaceable and they're doing the best they can. I couldn't imagine losing everything that quickly- and you all know Mike isn't one to ask for help. 

So, let's rally the community for him and see if we can't help out this growing family! Put yourself in their shoes- if only for the time it takes to help out.




  • Karrie Pollack
    • $15
    • 4 yrs

Spendenteam (2)

Katie Del Moral
Glen Burnie, MD
Michael Dolch
Mike Dolch
Team member

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