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Medical Support

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On March 21st, I was driving on 285 Hwy with my 3yr old son, who was asleep, and my Ex-Fiance in the passenger seat.
My Ex-Fiance began to argue with me as I remained quiet for the remainder of the drive being we're in the Month of Ramadan and I sensed his rage getting out of control. As I was driving and merging over to the right side of traffic to pull over, my ex Fiancé became Irate and began to put his hands in my face and I shooed his hand away from my face when he then grabbed my hijab and started beating me in my face and head forcefully and repeatedly many times until I passed out.
I managed to somehow park and swerve out of traffic before passing out.
I regained conscience as I woke up and vomitted blood, but it was only a little while after that he began beating my face again.

As I was reminded of my son, I used tactics from my field in Psychology and healthcare and tried to stay awake and survive.
By the grace of God and my sister, who tracked my location and my guy best friend, they were both able to located me and contact 911 and the ambulance.

Unfortunately from this incident, my ex fiancé manage to also steal money from me and escape before the cops arrived.
He left me suffering with severe headaches/pain, a broken nose, dislocated left thumb, concussion, altered memory, busted lip, blurred and sensitive vision/bursted eye vessels, shifted jaw, muffled hearing, and multiple head contusions.

I already struggle with medical history of a mini stroke and currently battling Endometriosis and the new diagnosis of Systemic Lupus so this puts a strain on my physical health and mental health since I am no longer able to work for the time being nor able to be the mother I need to be for my baby boy at the moment and function on a day to day basis as I am healing.

With the help of your donations it would be a huge blessing and assist me with any medical expenses/ appointments, therapy sessions, an upcoming surgery to repair my broken nose, vision possibly, along with being able to provide for my son and I until I am healed and able to presume to my normal life again, God willing (Inshallah).

Sharing my story is not easy and is painful reliving this traumatic event and not what I ever anticipated on doing. Told by the hospital staff and doctors, I am blessed to be alive, although I am desperately in need of help and prayers at this time.
Any donation offers is greatly appreciated and means so much to me!

I hope my story shines light on Domestic Violence and for people to get out before it’s too late even if it just happens within the first time in a relationship like how it occurred with me.

Thank you all again truly!
Je soutiens


  • Anonyme
    • 250 $
    • 11 mois
  • Anonyme
    • 25 $
    • 11 mois
  • Halima Vieira
    • 40 $
    • 1 an
  • Benita A
    • 10 $
    • 1 an
  • Musalimah Muhaymin
    • 40 $
    • 1 an
Je soutiens


Myriam B
Snellville, GA

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