Dominic Cavallero Medicine Fund
As most of you know, our friend & Pathways & Zac’s Ridge brother, Dominic Cavallero suffered a devastating stroke back on September 27. He is still unconscious but there are signs that he can hear, he has moved his arm and he is no longer on a ventilator and is now on assisted oxygen. What the future holds is unknown.
Dominic was the sole financial provider for his family, with him down, there is nothing coming in right now. You all know Eva, his daughter is his whole world. Our brother needs financial medicine right now so that his daughter can stay put in her home and his family can focus their time and energy into helping Dominic come out of this and not worry about the next month or two’s bills. If you can’t contribute financially, prayers and love are appreciated too.
Whatever you can do is appreciated. You all know Dominic would give the shirt off his back for any of us. It’s our turn to give back to him.