Donate a cuddle cot in Billie & Maleas Name
As many of our friends and family know we suffered the devastating loss of our twin girls Billie & Malea. I went into early labour at 21 weeks 6 days pregnant and was told there was no chance of the girls surviving, I had to go through a full natural labour knowing that even if they were born alive they would not be coming home with us. The hospital put the girls into a cuddle cot so that we could spend as much time as we wanted with them which was so comforting, we had time to cuddle and sing to them and also to get them dressed for their final journey to heaven. A cuddle cot is not something I was aware of until we had to experience this, without the cuddle cot we would have had no time to spend with our babies which is so sad! This is something that every person experiencing a similar situation should have the option of. We would like to raise money in their names and purchase a cuddle cot to donate to Wishaw General Hospital as they don’t have a lot of them. This type of thing happens every day to so many people, we know that this brought us some sort of comfort and we want to make sure other people can do the same if they want too.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read through our story and I hope you can spare even £1 to help us get to our target.
Lets start speaking out about these things, we need to raise awareness so that people know the options they have when faced with this situation.
Lauren & Ian