Donate for Ayden's Life-Saving Heart Transplant
Donation protected
Ayden Skillman might only be 18 years old, but this amazing young man needs a new heart. He was born with a condition known as Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS), which left him with only one working ventricle. The strain this placed on Ayden's heart has finally taken its toll, resulting in heart failure and escalation of his placement on the heart transplant list.
Ayden will be heading to Denver next week where he will be admitted and placed on Milrinone, a medication to help manage the effects of acute heart failure. The hope is that a new heart will be found for Ayden within a month. While the Skillman family knew that this day would eventually come, it was not expected to arrive so soon.
I cannot imagine the courage, strength, faith, and fear of what lies ahead. To compound this, as owners of family-run Bob's Diner here in Greybull, taking time off even for something as vital as this presents a unique set of financial constraints for the Skillman family.
How can you help? One of my favorite things about our small community is how our village comes together when someone needs help. If you would like to make a donation directly to the Skillman family, your support to this Go Fund Me will help them navigate this tumultuous time with a little less stress. There are other ways to help too! Go eat at Bob's! Consider Bob's gift certificates as gifts for birthdays or anniversaries. If you eat at Bob's, have patience with the staff as they may be short-handed or be relying on temporary help who are doing their best to support the Skillman family and minimize service disruptions to Bob's valued patrons. And please keep all the Skillman family in your thoughts and prayers as they embark on this life changing journey to health for Ayden!
Ayden will likely have a long road as an inpatient far from friends and family at home in Wyoming. Let's help him keep his spirits up for a speedy recovery. Over the next several weeks, you can drop off cards and notes for Ayden at the Diner and we will be sure they make it to Denver to brighten his days. Thank you all for supporting the Skillman family and bringing our community together!
Fundraising team: Team Ayden (3)

Melissa Scott
Greybull, WY
Deanna Skillman
Deanna Skillman
Team member