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Help MPW community suffering from Lahaina Fires

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This is Kim & Ross of Maui Powder Works. Many of you know us as hosts of the Powder Coater Podcast. We are devastated by the aftermath of the Lahaina Wildfires caused by Hurricane Dora.

Help our friends & family recover from this unbelievable tragedy. All donations will go to aid our friends directly affected by the fires. Although we are safe, many of our friends and family live in Lahaina. Our Lahaina is gone. So many of our ohana have lost their homes & businesses. This money is not to help our business, it's to help them and their families. Your donation will help them receive food, gas, clothes, travel, toiletries & get the necessities to begin to put their lives back together. We deeply appreciate your generous support and prayers during such a dark hour.

We have had an outpouring of emails, texts and messages from friends around the world. We thought it would be easier to create a video to share the best way to help us help our beloved Maui community... Thank you so much for checking in on us and showing us you care. Now is your chance to donate right now to make an immediate impact. We will be sharing stories of heroic Lahaina as we survive this crisis. But it starts with you today, so please help with whatever you can afford, $5, 10, 25 every little bit helps this community start to rebuild.

Many people have asked: How can a hurricane do this? The Hurricane swept south of us bringing only winds that knocked down telephone poles and started fires. We believe the fire dept underestimated an earlier fire above the town that reignited and sent flames downhill. Many were caught unprepared and with no time to escape & lost everything.

Ross and I grew up in Lahaina so it is especially heartbreaking to see our childhood hometown turn to ash in one night. It has become very surreal and the only thing we can compare it to is 9-11. And we know how we felt on that day and those days after. Please Please donate. Maui is a beautiful place with beautiful people who will need the kindness, and generosity of the entire world. Right now and in the future... SHARE ALOHA!

If you know what the connection aloha brings then you’ve either visited here or been touched by someone speaking about it. Maybe you heard it here on the podcast. Or maybe we shared it with you on a project or phone call…..because everything we do and breathe & touch …. is done with ALOHA.. so GIVE ... .Give NOW Give today!

Give what you can. Give more than you think you can. If you think you can give $5 give 10 if you think you can give 10 give 20. Because God will karmically reward you. This is the Giving of ALOHA… The HA. It is the BREATH. Today is a test for humanity! Can you GIVE to someone halfway around the world that you don't know but know through me? through Maui Powder Porks? Through a podcast....?.... through our shared passions and thoughts and feelings about powder coating… now.... this is your test!

Sharing my gift with you.
I have put my favorite videos of PONO SHIM who was an enigmatic business leader in Hawaii. I was lucky enough to have been in an online leadership class before his passing in 2022. If you are looking for connectedness or more meaning in your life perhaps the lesson of aloha is what you are looking for: GOD BLESS & ALOHA



  • MPW Lahaina Strong Plaques
    • $275 (Offline)
    • 1 año
  • Robert Symington
    • $1000
    • 2 años
  • Anónimo
    • $1200
    • 2 años
  • william marshall
    • $100
    • 2 años
  • Bob Cregg
    • $100
    • 2 años


Kim Scott
Lahaina, HI

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

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