Donate in memory of my mom, your mom, our mom
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For those of you who may come across this page and don't know my name or our story, hang on for the ride... it's a special one. In 2019 my mom, Maryann Liddle was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and smiled her way through chemo, losing her hair, and saying goodbye to her life as she once knew it, but would never let that slow her down. Wigs and faux eyelashes became her new norm, although her shining soul was brighter than any physical appearance. For those of you who did know her, I wouldn't be surprised if you had no clue she was fighting a battle. My mom did beat cancers a** and played it off as if it was a walk in the park (one of her favorite things to do). At the end of 2022, her cancer did come back, and with the same positive relentless outlook - it was impossible for our family to see the struggle she was actually facing. With each doctor telling her one thing, she would tell us another and how she couldn't wait to get out of the hospital and continue living her life through that magnificent lens she looked through. My mom told her doctors not to tell anyone what they would be telling her day by day. Some may see that as speaking positivity into existence, but I think once it was beyond the point of return we knew deep down she did not want anyone hurting. She wanted everyone to keep smiling with her, keep laughing, be joyful and keep looking through that sunshine lens she always saw things through herself. Unfortunately after a few strong months of battling she passed on the evening of April 17th, 2023. With the timeless, magnificent curtains she had pulled over our eyes to protect the ones closest to her... there was no way for us to financially plan for something we weren't expecting. To know Maryann Liddle was to love her was to be loved by her and be one of her own. Every friend became family. She was all the young ones' "second mom", everyones' free-spirited sister they always could count on for endless smiles and laughter. Let's keep her vibrant soul alive and keep the love and stories going. We are reaching out now, for the love and support that she always so effortlessly gave to everyone. Thank you for reading and hearing a story that is my story, your story, and our story.
A Glimpse of Eternal Sunshine
"My name is Aaron Jacob Bohatch, Im so very proud to announce my Mother was Maryann Liddle.
I believe it's hard saying goodbye to someone physically, especially if we understand that their spirit is eternal.
How can we say goodbye to someone, if we understand that their spirit will be with us forever? Please contemplate and ask yourselves?
As we speak about forever, I ask all of you, please remember the friendships that you have forgotten, the relationships that have dwindled down in the past, please ask yourself, why? (These are questions my Mother would have not wanted you to be asking yourself haha….trust me.)
As we remember the beauty and enjoyment of these friendships and relationships of the past, can we ask ourselves what created this distance between us?
My Mother, Maryann Liddle. She didn’t believe in forgotten friendships, she didn’t believe in dwindled relationships. She believed that the distance created from life experiences would build love stronger and that hard times would strengthen the weakest glimmer of hope.
Maryann Liddle knew two types of people, those that she loved. And those that she was going to love!
If you were in that first category of people that she loved, I’m sorry, but you will never be leaving. She will love you forever no matter any wrongdoing or any misfortune, her forgiveness and love is eternal and endless. (You are stuck with the blessing of her love haha)
Also, if you are in the first category, I’m sure you were so excited for everyone in the second category to join us, and to fall under her warm blanket of love. We wanted everyone to experience how enjoyable she made everyone feel. She made everyone feel so special and unique in their own way, always. (Trust us we all know)
Like others, my Mother’s life was not easy. I don’t know much of her childhood pain, but I hear from our family how resilient she was as a young woman whenever her father passed away she decided to take the initiative to guide her siblings to a greater quality of life. I believe this is a special attribute that few are blessed with.
Her sense of character has touched the lives of many, I still hear new stories to this day and I’m excited to meet more of the lives she has touched and the people she has made an impact on. Her memory will never be forgotten, that's a promise.
I live wearing my mothers pain, as a single mother of two off the wall disruptive boys she walked through the fire of judgment with a smile on her face and pride in her heart, I couldn’t have asked for more.
From now on I will be starting my sentences with Mom because that's how I feel most comfortable and that's how she would want me to feel.
Mom was not only a mother to her two sons. The reason why I am using the word Mom now is because I want to relate to everyone that felt a comfort from her love, her cooking, her acceptance, her friendship, her design, her beaming personality or maybe her yelling at you…(I doubt it)
I feel mom is not only a name for your birth mother, but also how someone can make you feel a sense of comfort and wholeness no matter the situation. (true love)
Mom believed every experience was an opportunity to learn and grow together.
Mom believed you are as beautiful as possible.
Mom believed you are capable of anything.
Mom believed you if you said you were sick and skipped school to eat lunch with her, but deep down she knew you were not sick and you just wanted to spend the day with her.
Mom believed you if you were hurt or sad, she would smile and look into your eyes and say everything will be ok and take your pain away.
Mom believed the worries of today would be easier tomorrow.
Mom believed even if your parents were mad at you, she wasn’t. (you know who you are)
Mom believed she loves you and nothing else matters.
Mom BELIEVES she is watching over all of us.
Mom BELIEVES she loves all of us forever and always.
Mom BELIEVES she is so thankful for you to be a part of her life.
Maryann Liddle was a special person with a unique heart. During my honor of being her son I remember the gifts she was granted of faith, hope, and eternal love.
She understood her gifts and was very thankful and eager to share them with everyone.
I believe my Mothers purpose was to impact as many lives as possible in a positive attribute in her very young 57 years of life.
I believe she fulfilled that purpose as her energy has been transferred to many.
So I ask you now again.
How can we say goodbye to someone, if we understand that their spirit will be with us forever?
I believe we can say goodbye physically because we loved each other.
I believe we can say goodbye physically because an individual's love is everlasting.
I believe love is a special word and it should not have a definition.
I believe love to you is not what love means to me.
So I ask you, can we love everyone differently?
Can we make everyone feel love in their own unique way as they deserve?
I believe to achieve this we have to emit A Glimpse Of Eternal Sunshine.
I believe my Mom, Maryann Liddle achieved this.
For that, I am eternally grateful.
Love you always and forever Mom, Aaron."
Aaron Bohatch
Pittsburgh, PA