Help Snow White and Her Special Needs Friends!
Sweet little Snow White entered the turtle hospital in late 2022 with a rescued group of severely deformed box turtles. Her small misshapen shell was white over most of her body thanks to no sun access at her previous home. She was also fed a poor diet of cat food, a terrible meal for a turtle!
While she is still too small at four inches for the main box turtle yard here at American Tortoise Rescue, oh how she enjoys her safe, protected days outside in the sun. Her new brown color from soaking up rays and a diet of worms, vegetables and Mazuri, showcases the care all turtles need. She is a hospital success story even though there is still work to do. Currently, our sanctuary and turtle hospital offer permanent homes to about 60 special needs turtles, in addition to many other turtle and tortoise rescues.
This World Turtle Day 2023 is our 23rd annual shellebraton! Please join Snow White on her journey back to health, as well as all our special need turtles by donating $23 in her honor for her future care and that of the other turtles and tortoises in need. Thank you and bless you!
With love, Susan and Marshall
Susan Cain Tellem
Malibu, CA
American Tortoise Rescue