Donate Now: Better Care for Shelter Animals
Tax deductible
We are Sympawthy, a 100% non-profit organization that strives to fund donations for our local animal shelters. We are actively serving our community by selling handmade products and raising money to better the situations of less fortunate animals.
Why you should care:
There are critical problems arising among shelters across the nation, such as resource and proper veterinarian care inadequacy, which are problems that are due to the lack of funding these shelters receive. We can no longer overlook these problems that can be easily solved by our community joining hands to provide the donations needed to make a positive change. The need to take action is now, therefore we are calling you to join us through Sympawthy. Whether it is by purchasing handmade goods or becoming a volunteer at the shelters we support, your act of sympathy is greatly appreciated by the animals at the shelters as it can very likely change their entire life.
Sympawthy usa
Clarksville, MD
Canine Humane Network, Inc.