Anjies Ongoing Critical Care Needs & Housing.
We are in dire need of assistance. We will lose our home if we can not make rent. And with medical supplies and groceries and bills, we are struggling to catch up. We're trying to meet our goal to buy us time while this gets figured out with the housing authority/social services. Please consider helping us.
Hello, I'm Anjie and 5 years ago my body completely shut down and I almost died from sepsis and pneumonia, which left me in a medically induced coma, with a tracheotomy and a 1% chance of survival. What followed was a 3 month hospital stay recovering from heart failure, respiratory and kidney faiure, steven-johnsons, chronic fatigue, and more. As a result, I became really disabled. My kidneys make a 100% recovery but the rest did not. I've had multiple hospital stays since, and with each one, another thing adds to the pile. I just got out of the hospital and rehab facility from a heart attack and being intubated for the 3rd time. My right lung is weak and diminished due to multiple respiratory failure events so I now rely on oxygen 24/7. I have a nebulizer that I have to use 3x a day, and a c-pap that I use every night. That on top of everything else including temperature regulation, the bills are high. My boyfriend Nathan is my care taker but the state only pays him 100hrs a month, even though I require all day care. We are trying to get by but with added expenses now, the stress is overwhelming. Any kind of help would be amazing. Thank you for listening.
Anjie & Nate