Help Gordon Wildlife Build a Safe Haven for Turbo & Moonglow
Tax deductible
As many of you know, Paul and I and our wildlife center ( are committed to providing lifelong sanctuary to Turbo (aka "Procyon Motor") our zoomie, full of life raccoon kit with an amputated back leg, and his future roommate Moonglow (a rescued, wild also soon-to-be-amputee).
In addition to our wildlife rehabilitation work, Gordon Wildlife has the only license in New York State to permanently possess non-releasable educational raccoons.
We have donated the surgeries and care for both of these raccoons, and it will cost us many many thousands of dollars to build their forever home. We have already spent over $7,000 on the shell and excavation. Running electric, insulating it putting up walls, building an outdoor play yard, etc, will more than double that cost.
If you would spend $5 sending me a card for my birthday, would you consider donating it instead to play a part in their journey and help us with the expenses of providing lifelong sanctuary to these deserving animals? They are so resilient and inspiring we will do all we can to give them the best life moving forward.
Although we are licensed through New York state, we do not receive any funding or support from the government and end up paying most expenses out of pocket. All I ever want for my birthday (or any other day) is to get to continue to live a life devoted to these incredible animals. Thank you, my beautiful friends, for your loving and giving hearts and for always being there to share this journey with us
Sarah Bookbinder
Lebanon, NY
Charles N Gordon Wildlife Rehabilitation Center Inc