Donate to Build Melbourne Chinese Peace Statue
Donation protected
Chinese Australians for Peace Association is calling for community support to build a Melbourne Chinese Peace Statue.
The purpose of the peace statue is to remember history, pray for world peace, and to commemorate all Asian and European women in China, the Korean Peninsula, and Southeast Asia who suffered humiliation and immense misery during the Japanese invasion in World War II. This is the most painful memory in the history of modern women. In particular, the bronze statue will embody the dignity and resilience of Chinese women forced into the role of 'comfort women,' enduring unprecedented abuse and threats of death during the Japanese aggression.
The peace status will be serving as a reminder to the world of the cruelty of war and the preciousness of peace for future generations.
澳洲华人和平协会正在筹建墨尔本中国和平铜像,旨在铭记历史、祈求世界和平。 纪念二战中遭受日军凌辱、受尽苦难的中国、朝鲜半岛及东南亚地区的所有亚洲和欧裔女性。这是近代世界女性历史上最为惨痛的记忆。特别是,铜像将体现那些日军侵略战争中被迫充当“慰安妇”遭受惨绝人寰的虐待与死亡的威胁的中国女性的尊严和坚韧,并警示世人战争之残酷和提醒世人和平之珍贵。
Chinese Australians for Peace Association Inc. | 澳洲华人和平协会

Chinese Australians for Peace Association
Hughesdale, VIC