Donate to Chopin Theatre. Sustain this vibrant art house
Tax deductible
Thanks to generous donations, this month we’ve raised $32,925. Can you help us reach our $72,000 goal by Dec 31st to sustain Chopin Theatre's operation in 2025?
Your donation will help us to show world-class theatrical performances, music, and literary events in this historic space. It will sustain our stage, support artists, and help this vibrant "art house" continue to be one of the "Chicago Venues which Matters the Most" (Chicago Tribune).
Institutional grants often support specific programming. An independent venue like ours, which has presented over 2,100 different events over 33 years, prides itself on promoting enlightened civic discourse through diverse artistic programming and relies much more on individual donations - like yours! We hope a visit to our friendly spaces, filled with art and books, provides optimism. In short, we are lovers rather than warriors.
Please make your tax-deductible donation here. We know times are difficult for many, so even the smallest amount would help and let us know this space is needed. We would be grateful for you to share our appeal or make a call on our behalf. Our Board, partners, and volunteers would also like to thank those who have supported us in the past. It has meant the world to us!
Thank you,
Zygmunt Dyrkacz, Artistic Director
Lela Headd Dyrkacz, Managing Director
our Board Members: Alton Miller, Maciek Falendysz CPA, Marla Kanemitsu Esq
and our Partners and Volunteers
Photo by Justin Teichen
Lela Dyrkacz
Chicago, IL
Chopin Theatre Productions NFP