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Donate to Expose the Dangers of a Second Trump Presidency

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Like a deserter on a battlefield, our mental health system has abdicated its duty to warn the public of a collective psychosis that is severely threatening the American experiment.

Acting like an agent of the state under the Trump administration, the American Psychiatric Association gagged mental health professionals from warning the public about Trump’s mental unfitness for the United States presidency—and then was richly rewarded for its efforts. Despite protests from members, the APA has not lifted its “gag order,” apparently in preparation for a second Trump presidency.

The public has been deprived of critical expertise at the most critical time, and needs to hear from mental health experts! In order to circumvent the APA-induced media blackout, the World Mental Health Coalition needs $67,500 to host an all-day, live conference in Washington, DC, about the true dangers of a second Trump presidency.

Please contribute what you can at this critical time, so that this uniquely timely and vitally important conference can be prepared and have impact.

Below is an outline of our plan:

To be held before the election if you will help make it possible


We are at an extremely critical time, more than ever before in our lifetime. The year before the 2020 election we held a major conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. “The Dangerous State of the World and the Need for Fit Leadership” conference was considered important enough that it was broadcast for all 3 hours on C-Span. The second edition of our New York Times bestseller, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President, was released at the conference. As never before or since, we brought together thirteen highly respected experts from many different areas of expertise including psychiatry, law, political science, economics, philosophy, fascism, politics, journalism, climate science, and nuclear weapons. The conference was convened by Dr. Bandy Lee, moderated by Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, and among others included Dr. Jerrold Post, the psychiatrist who established the CIA’s program for psychologically evaluating foreign national leaders who in one of his final public appearances applied all of his experience and knowledge to warning about Donald Trump. Please watch this 17-minute video that opened the past conference ( as well as some highlights of the conference itself (

We have a rare opportunity to highlight the issue that has been central from the start of Donald Trump’s rise to the presidency and beyond: Trump’s dangerous mental state! Refusing to do so has already had devastating ramifications, including 1.2 million American deaths, most of which could have been prevented, a violent insurrection that came too close to overturning our government, and escalating threats of continuing and expanding social and political violence. Now, we still face an all-too-possible return of Trump and what he would bring with him to the White House, including the new Supreme Court designation of “Presidential Immunity.” At this critical time, we now have to work even more strenuously to explain and expose how he came to power in the first place: through what Dr. Bandy Lee has called, “Trump Contagion.” We must finally contain it, prevent it, and protect our country and our world from it. Like any other pandemic, we cannot simply expect that it will go away on its own, especially if Trump were to return to the U.S. presidency.

We are proposing to convene a very major conference at what is now an even more critical time. This is a major responsibility as well as opportunity for all of us working together.

To make this a significant live event in Washington as well as online throughout the country, we will quickly need to get professionals to work with us to prepare it, widely publicize it, broadcast it live on YouTube and other platforms, as well as get C-Span once again to cover it. This needs to be a major newsworthy event, including having members of Congress and major media attending it and covering it. The single theme of the conference will be that Donald Trump absolutely must be kept from entering the Oval Office again, and that the three criminal trials—the January 6 insurrection in DC, classified documents in Florida, and election interference in Georgia—must all proceed to conclusion. To make this a major talked-about event, this all-day conference will open at 9 a.m. with short, intense presentations from all of the participants in the morning. That opening session with be followed by a buffet lunch for all who attend. Then there will be a multi-hour afternoon question-and-answer session and discussion with major media and members of Congress as well as persons online. To conclude the conference, there will be a reception for all attendees followed by a special limited sit-down dinner with the conference participants and major media people. Then, after the conference is concluded, we need to have a major publicity campaign so that millions will know about it and be able to watch key excerpts from it which we will have quickly edited and made available. Immediately after the conference, we will need to have a team of professional video editors to put together an hour summary of the key segments including key questions asked at the conference, along with a selection of short clips of key conference moment—all ready to be quickly put online and circulated to major media for their use within a day or two of the conference.

This conference will only be worth doing if we can reach a vast audience of millions—with many persons filling the Ballroom at the National Press Club, many watching live, and millions more being made aware of it and watching highlights and conclusions in subsequent days online. The conference will only be worth doing and have the kind of influence we need to have if it can be done in this major way and made widely known. We have very limited time now to get everything in motion and to make this happen. This can only happen if we quickly raise the funds and co-sponsorships. We have an initial private donation that is allowing us to begin. Please urgently consider joining with us as a co-sponsor.

Here are the elements all coming together to make this Conference of major significance at this crucial time next month.

NEW BOOK with theme of Conference: A short new book titled, “The Much More Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Warn Anew,” will be published by the World Mental Health Coalition and featured at the conference. I became nationally known through the book I edited, “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President,” published the first year of the Trump presidency. This will be an update as well as an expansion, applying mental health principles to what is happening nationally, globally, and how we might promote collective healing.

PARTICIPANTS: These are the multidisciplinary persons from many areas of expertise who participated in the previous conference. They will all be invited to join in this new conference along with a few special additional persons:

Bandy Lee – Leading Forensic Psychiatrist, President of the World Mental Health Coalition, and Author of “Profile of a Nation” and “The Psychology of Trump Contagion”
Jeffrey Sachs – Leading Economist, University Professor at Columbia, and Coauthor of a recent landmark report on Avoidable Covid-19 Deaths in the U.S. Click here for his “First 100 Days” recommendations, presented at the conference.
Richard Painter – former Chief White House Ethics Counsel for the Bush/Cheney Administration, Professor of Law at University of Minnesota, and Coauthor of the recent devastating report on the Department of Justice under Attorney General William Barr
Ruth Ben-Ghiat – Leading Historian, Professor at New York University, and Author of “Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present”
Jason Stanley – Leading Philosopher of Language and Epistemology, Professor at Yale University, and Author of “How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them”
Gar Alperovitz – Leading Political Scientist, former Professor at the University of Maryland, and former Legislative Director of the U.S. Congress and Special Assistant in the U.S. Department of State
Joseph Romm – Leading Climate Expert, Physicist, former Acting Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy, and Editor-in-Chief of Front Page Live
David Cay Johnston – Pulitzer Prize-winning Investigative Journalist; Reporter on Worldwide Tax, Public Finance, and Business; and Founder of DC Report
Mehdi Hasan –Journalist and Broadcaster of Zeteo
Philip Zimbardo – Leading Social Psychologist, Professor Emeritus at Sanford University, and Principal Investigator of the famous Stanford Prison Experiment
Jerrold Post – former Leading CIA Psychological Profiler and Director of Political Psychology Program at George Washington University
Noam Chomsky – Leading Linguist, Cognitive Scientist, and Cultural Critic
Jamie Raskin – U.S. Representative for Maryland, Lead Impeachment Manager for the Second Impeachment of President Donald Trump, and Member of the U.S. House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack
John Dean – former White House Counsel for President Richard Nixon, Leading Political Thinker, and Coauthor of “Authoritarian Nightmare”

BUDGET: The overall financing for this of course has to be estimated at this time. If we are able to do the conference, we will provide a full accounting.
Conference Planning and Preparation: $15,000
Conference Expenses for Participants: $5000
Conference Location Fees and Banners: $5000
Conference buffet lunch for all who attend: $5000
Conference reception for all who attend, including hors d’oeuvre and drinks: $5000
Conference special dinner only for participants and invited media: $2500
Advertising and Promotion including in The Hill and Politico both print and online : $10,000
Contacting of Major Media and Members of Congress to attend: $2500
Online and Social Media Promotion about upcoming conference: $5000
Arrangements for University Students to attend: $2500
Special Opening Video as at previous conference: $2500
Professional Multi-Camera Video of conference, segment editing, and immediate placement on major video platforms including Vimeo and YouTube: $7500
Total: $67,500
(We have so far raised $34,000)

• Mid-August - initial preparations for Conference, confirmation of speakers, and meeting at National Press Club for date selection, confirmation, and deposit - done!
• Last week of August - ongoing preparations for conference continuing throughout the next month
• 1 - 3 September - set up website devoted solely to the conference
• 12 - 15 September - final preparations for conference with the Press Club and all involved, with everything confirmed and double checked
• 16 September - arrangements this week at DC Universities to invite students to the conference with shuttles to bring students from key universities to the National Press Club
• 20, 23, 25 September - full-page announcements of the upcoming conference emphasizing inviting members of Congress and media - The Hill, Politico, and other publications both in print and online
• 27 September - CONFERENCE DATE National Press Club all-day Conference
• 28 September - many short highlight clips of key things at conference as well as full conference video all online at new website specifically and only about the conference
• 28 September - 4 November - the professional media firm works intensely on getting Dr. Lee and other conference participants on major media
• 28 September - 4 November - any remaining and additional funds intensely used to get more media attention to the importance of the conference


World Mental Health Coalition
Wilmington, DE

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