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Entrepreneurship, Social Innovation, and the Collaborative Race Against Veteran Suicide
By John Kirbow
The author says:
This book does a deep dive into the merits of innovation for addressing some of the most pressing problems veterans deal with – mental health, homelessness, and most notably, suicide. A major thesis put forward by this book is that we need to rethink many aspects of ‘goodwill’, nonprofits, charity, and how the public sector responds to these issues. Revolutionizing how we help those who served and sacrificed can help us better understand how to help the rest of our country. Humans need opportunity and empowerment, not just safety nets.
The aim of the project and of this book is to understand and address not only mental health and suicide among veterans, but the but the very idea of reforming and innovating the VA itself, in partnership with VA leadership and local and national politicians. It is also to improve our overall approach to helping veterans. It looks at innovating how outside partners in science, technology, and media can come together to multiply how we tackle these problems. In short, it aims to unleash social innovation the same way we did with the space race, and within the private sector.
Throughout the book, as a theme that ties it all together, I highlight how veterans are a widely untapped asset to our country, how we need to rethink charity and social good, and how we can truly unleash real innovation as a new, peaceful arms race for our vets and for our country in the long run.
This book is a conversation tool for everyone, from supportive citizens to political leaders.
Thank you for considering supporting this Veteran's Mission to make it Possible for all Veterans, and those in positions with the power to help them, gain the knowledge and thus the much needed to support to help them. As they deal with the life issue of mental health, homelessness, and most notably, suicide.
John Kirbow
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The Harmonetiks Project
Westport, CT
The Harmonetiks Project