Donate to help Eileen Patocka
Donazione protetta
Eileen currently is facing some tough times with her health which has caused her to be out of work. She also may need surgery on her eye soon which will cause her to miss more time from work. She is legally blind in both eyes and at this time her prognosis is uncertain. Any amount you could donate would be appreciated to help her get through this challenging time! Your donations will help with medical bills and expenses for travel to and from Miami which is where she is receiving medical care for her eye condition. Thank you so much for helping out.
Update 10-10-23
Eileen found out the mass in her eye is cancer and she will undergo surgery/radiation 10/24 at the Boscom Palmer Eye Institute in Miami
Organizzatore e beneficiario
Heather Brautigan
Elmira, NY
Eileen Patocka