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Looking For Heroes To Help Fund, "Susan's Best Hope" ...

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Hi, my name is Paul and I am seeking to raise funds for my wife Susan, who is a cancer patient and has already undergone radiation/chemotherapy treatment once.

Susan was diagnosed last summer and underwent radiation and chemotherapy. Following the completion of treatment and an MRI in November of that same year, the oncologist said the tumours had shrunk. It looked as if Susan had beat the odds and the cancer was in retreat.

However in February, following a PET scan, the oncologist told us that the cancer had returned. While the original tumours had all but disappeared, the cancer had metastasized and showing up in her C2 & C3 vertebrae, femur and spots on her liver.

Since her cancer has returned, she now is being treated for a second time as her cancer has metastasized.

To date, she has undergone her second series of radiation treatments and currently enduring another series of chemotherapy.

Unfortunately, once this chemotherapy concludes, there will be only be complementary treatments, Immunotherapy and Naturopathic that will provide a chance for Susan to at least live with the cancer and still have a decent quality of life.

According to her oncologist, Immunotherapy is a very good option but also very expensive and not covered by our medical insurance plan. The price for each indicated dose of KEYTRUDA (Pembrolizumab) when given every 3 weeks is $11,337.00

Article from The Guardian by Andrew Gregory (Health Editor in Chicago): The drug that “melts away” tumours …

Naturopathy regimes are well established in Europe but not covered by our medical insurance plan either. For instance, Mistletoe Extract is one of the most widely studied complementary and alternative medicine therapies in people with cancer. In Europe, mistletoe extracts are among the most prescribed drugs for patients with cancer but not in Canada yet.

Immunotherapy is the best hope to keep Susan alive, but because this treatment is beyond our budget, this outlook seems grim.

I am sure there heros out there, who can donate and help cover the immunotherapy treatment costs and as a result, allow us to spend more precious time together and even dare to hope for a cure?

Any amount is appreciated, but please pass along the “Go Fund Me” link to your friends and family too!

Thank-you so much, Paul.

This is Joey, Susan’s beloved thoroughbred mare and member of the family, who was diagnosed at the same time as Susan with a serious bone infection in her coffin bone (inside her rear hoof). In horses, this condition is also similar to having cancer.

Doctors suggested euthanasia due to the seriousness of her condition and a poor prognosis.

However, both Susan and Joey are fighters.

Joey endured two surgical debridements, almost a 2 month hospital stay and even medical maggot therapy. After 3 months of successful treatment and excellent veterinary care, Joey is back at home and hopefully going to make a full recovery.

Now we just want Susan to beat the odds too, and also make a recovery.

Thanks for supporting our family members, Paul.


  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 22 d
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    • $500
    • 28 d
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    • $1,000
    • 1 mo
  • Anonym
    • $80
    • 1 mo
  • Anonym
    • $10,000 (Offline)
    • 1 mo

Spendenteam (2)

Paul Walters
Delta, BC
Susan Morris
Team member

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