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Donate to help Matthews family …

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On Wednesday 20th April Matthew, only aged 31 , suffered a terrible cardiac arrest at his home, Christie, his fiancé, bravely administered CPR until the ambulance arrived.
All whilst their 3 young beautiful girls were at home watching the devastation unfold.

Matthew had flat lined 9 times, his heart was operated on, and was put into an induced coma & ventilator to help him breathe. After a few days the family were told Matthew's lungs are damaged and has now contracted pneumonia.

Doctors managed to stabilise him and had signs of fighting this . Sedation was lifted a little for Matthew to see how he coped on his own.

Unfortunately he became very irritated, affecting his breathing and heart rate and had to be put back under sedation . Shortly after this Matthew had another cardiac arrest, he is now back to a stable position but still in a coma..

Doctors are desperately trying their best , Christie is by his side all the time that she could possibly be.

I cannot imagine what Christie is going through , it’s heartbreaking , and to still be strong for your 3 girls.

I would like to just make things a bit easier for the family & not to have to worry about paying bills, rent & food , obviously both not able to go to work!

You don’t ever think a thing like this is going to happen to you. Any donation will be greatly appreciated
My heart is breaking for them

let’s support this young family ♥️♥️
Thank you Xx



  • Anonym
    • £10
    • 2 yrs
  • Benedetta Iezzi
    • £20
    • 2 yrs
  • Annie Anning
    • £20
    • 2 yrs
  • maria bartusiak
    • £20
    • 2 yrs
  • Anonym
    • £10
    • 2 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Laura Brown
Christie Heilds

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