Donate to Help My Babies on their Healing Journey
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Hello, my name is Marty and I am trying to raise funds to pay for the numerous vet bills that face me as I travel this journey of getting my kids well again. These kids are my life. They are my entire world and I can't bear to see them suffer.
I could never have human kids so God sent me Libby, JoJo and Pip and my beloved Emi. I have loved them more than life itself and gave them the best of everything. But things went wrong in January when all 4 of them became ill at the same time.
Yes, four... I lost my Emi two weeks ago and our world turned upside down. She died because of a Vet who didn't take the right steps to get her well in time. He is a vet I have warned others about and because of his neglect and misdiagnosis I lost a piece of my heart. Our lives will never be the same without our Emi and we are all broken from the tragic loss that didn't have to happen.
My Pip was also misdiagnosed by this vet and the surgery he did left her fighting for her life. Thanks to Dr. Haskins at Happier Home Mobile vet hospital, she is now out of danger and recovering slowly. She is on expensive medications to help fight off the infection and there still might be additional surgery to find out what else this vet did wrong. There is suspicion that he left part of her uterus when he did her spay and that may need to be removed if the meds do not work. She had an ultrasound yesterday and may have to have more.
My JoJo is suffering from a diagnosis of epilepsy. Just like human epilepsy, dogs can suffer some horrible seizures. JoJo has had several very scary seizures but is on her way to trying new medications in an effort to gain more control. She was put on medication and we thought everything would be okay; however, she had breakthrough seizures again. While medication has been increased, more testing is needed to try to determine the cause of these seizures. MRIs, x-rays, and more blood work are needed. These tests are very expensive to say the least and I need help covering the costs.
This same vet misdiagnosed Libby. I thought she might have issues with hearing and seeing clearly. He told me to administer drops for dry eye and that she would be fine. Dr. Haskins confirmed yesterday that my Libby is totally blind now in one eye and only has partial vision in the other eye. Why the vet would lie to me about her being blind is beyond anything I can comprehend. We are trying to treat the other eye now with better quality meds that might make her vision more clear. She found two mammary lumps that will need to be removed when we spay her next month. We are praying they are hormonal cysts and nothing serious. The doctor will do an ultrasound of her lungs to make sure it is not cancer.
As you can imagine all of these veterinarian expenses are weighing heavily on us both mentally and financially. There was a prior GoFundMe effort and we were able to pay off credit cards for past treatments. When you are dealing with Vet bills there is no mercy. This is my family.... I will do whatever it takes to get them well again.
We had to pay the prior vet bills that created this horrific nightmare and now have to pay for the treatment going forward. We are emotionally spent and trying to recover one day at a time.. Any amount that you can spare would be greatly appreciated. We could also use your prayers as this is weighing heavily on our hearts. I really can't bear to see my beautiful babies suffering.

Marty Taylor
Bay Ridge, MD