Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

Donate to help reduce our book printing costs

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Hello there,

If you have come across our funding page, welcome!

Jholly Good Times is a family friendly community filled with illustrations made with lots of love and we have just started self publishing children’s books with education at the heart.

You may like to visit our website to check out our other goodies -

As we continue on our self publishing journey, any donations to help reduce costs with our printers are appreciated from the bottom of our hearts. This will help make books:
1. In appropriate formats e.g. Board books for babies, smaller books for gifting etc.
2. Available sooner
3. With a lower RRP

In addition to the above, we always donate a portion of our creations including books, greeting cards and custom designs to our communities e.g. Libraries, hospitals, schools, cultural clubs and not-for-profit organisations and we would love to do more of this as we grow.

Thank you for taking the time to hear about why we have created this little fundraiser.

Love from,
The Jholls x

Join our community via Instagram @jhollygoodtimes.
Ilustración de manos que ayudan

Dona 20 $: sé el primero en contribuir a esta recaudación de fondos

Tu donativo es el punto de partida para que Joshveena tenga éxito. Tu apoyo en los comienzos inspira a donar a los demás.

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Ilustración de manos que ayudan

Dona 20 $: sé el primero en contribuir a esta recaudación de fondos

Tu donativo es el punto de partida para que Joshveena tenga éxito. Tu apoyo en los comienzos inspira a donar a los demás.

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Joshveena Thirukonda Jholl
Melbourne, VIC

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

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