Donate to help the Tyler family
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Why We Need Your Help: Jane Tyler is a 7 year old, loving, sweet, dance enthusiast, artist, little sister, and daughter, who has recently been given 9-18 months left to live. With this fundraiser, we are aiming to alleviate the stress of medical bills for the family so they may better focus on Jane. As well as ensure the precious time they have with Jane is spent together. As you can imagine, this diagnosis is a worst case scenario for the Tyler family and they are completed devastated, anything you can do to help us reach this first donation milestone will go toward ensuring the Tyler's are able to make the most of their remaining time together. Full Story: On July 3rd while painting Jane’s toenails, Kate noticed Jane displaying a positive Babinski sign on her left foot (a Babinski sign is a reflex that, while normal in babies for the first year of life, is concerning when displayed in anyone older than 12 months and can be indicative of Neurological issues) Kate and Topher decided to take her to the Layton Hospital that same night where a CT scan of her brain was performed that appeared to be normal. The Emergency Department sent them home and scheduled a follow-up with a neurologist on July 5th. The following day, Jane seemed unsteady in her walking movement, paired with some unusual eye movement, which prompted Kate and Topher to bring her to Primary Children’s where Jane was admitted and an MRI scan of her brain scheduled for the next morning. This MRI confirmed that Jane currently has a gum-ball sized tumor located in her brain stem centered in the right medulla, extending up to the inferior pons. A meeting was scheduled with the Primary Children’s Oncology team, whereupon a biopsy with a Neurosurgeon was determined to be the next course of action to better assess viable treatment options for Jane. During this surgery, given the location of the tumor, complications arose with Jane’s heart unable to withstand the stress of the biopsy, and so it was decided that a sample would not be taken. After meeting with palliative care on July 5th it has been estimated that Jane has 9-18 months left with us. Jane will now begin to receive treatment for DIPG (diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma). If you would prefer to make a donation directly to the family, instead of through go fund me, donations can be made to the family’sVenmo: @Kristopher-Tyler-3 or PayPal: @artopher 
Organisateur et bénéficiaire
Samantha O’Neill
Kaysville, UT
Kate Tyler