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Donate to Help Tigrai Online Media

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ክቡራት ፈተውቲ ትግራይ ኦንላይን ሚድያ ኣሓትን ኣሕዋትን፥

መርበብ ሓበሬታ ትግራይ ኦን ላይን ካብ ዝፍጠር አትሒዙ ውሕሉልን ፅፉፉን ሓበሬታ ብምቕራብን ፀላእትና ብምምካትን ድምፂ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ብሙዃን እጃሙ ክፃወት ዝፀነሐን ዘሎን ሚድያ እዩ። አብ ልዕሊ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ዝበፀሐን ዝበፀሕ ዘሎን ገበን ብድፍረት ብዘይትህኺት ኣብ ምቅላዕ ይርከብ ክብኡ ሓሊፉውን ህዝብና ሓድንቱ ኣደልዲሉ ፍናኑ ልዕል ኣቢሉ ንፀላእቱ ክስዕርን ንምሰሉ ክቃለስን ኣብ ዝግበር ቃልሲ ፍሉይ ግደ ዝፃወት ዘሎ ሚድያ እዩ።

እምበኣርከስ አብ መላእ ዓለም ዘለኹም ተጋሩ ፈተውቲን መድነቕትን ትግራይ ኦን ላይን መርበብ ሓበሬታ ሚድያና ብዙሕ ሓገዙና ዝብል ወፍሪታት ኣየካይድን ኮይኑግን ንዚ ሚድያ ንምክያድ እንገብሮ ወፃኢን ግዜን ብዙሕ ስለዝኾነ በብዓቕምኹም ክትታሓባበሩና ጎፍንድሚ ከፊትና ኣለና ዝካኣለኩም ሓግዙ።

ክብረት ይሃበለና።

ምስ ዕዙዝ ሰላምታ

Tigrai Online media was established in 2006 as a Tigraian website & discussion forum where thousands of articles from many people with diverse views submitted variety of articles in politics, history, culture, education, religion, language & current affairs are and published. Tigrai online as a media is focused mainly in issues related to Tigrai & the Honr of Africa. For the past seven years we have devoted most of our time to create awareness on the challenges faced by the people of Tigrai and how to address them.

Since the start of the genocidal war against Tigrai and Tegaru, we have been trying to be a voice to the people of Tigrai who are blockaded 360 degrees without telephone, banking, medicine, food, internet, media access & transport.

Tigrai Online (TOL) needs your financial support to cover ongoing expenses and to buy the necessary equipment to better serve our people. This is the second time TOL has asked for any financial support.

Tigrai Online Media

Thank you
Je soutiens


  • Rigbe Berhe
    • 200 $
    • 55 min.
  • Anonyme
    • 100 $
    • 1 h
  • Anonyme
    • 200 $
    • 9 h
  • Aberash Gessese
    • 100 $
    • 3 mois
  • M Chento
    • 200 $
    • 3 mois
Je soutiens


TOL Committee A
Denver, CO

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